Table of Contents
Initially, the European Unionwas called the European Economic & Monetary Union. It is a worldwide organization in Europe, the second smallest continent in the world. The European Union is an organization made 27 member countries that have come together with a common vision and mission. The founding states members of the European Union include Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. However, other member states of the E.U. include Denmark Ireland, England, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Sweden, Estonia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Finland, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria.
The European Union was formed after the World War II, with the sole responsibility of uniting the countries of Europe. The organization was also meant to end the bloody wars between the neighboring countries. In 1949, the nations formally began to unite under the Council of Europe. In the 1950’s, the division among Western and Eastern Europe necessitated the need for more unification. As a result, on March 25, 1957, the European Community was created and the Treaty of Rome was signed. This allowed people freedom of movement throughout Europe. Furthermore, in 1987, the Single European Act was signed with the objective creating a “single” market for trading purposes. Finally, in 1989, when the Berlin Wall was eliminated the Eastern and Western Europe was unified.
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Mission and Objectives of European Union
Since its formation in 1949, the mission of the European Union has been to continue prosperity, ease travel, trade, freedom and communication for all the EU citizens. The EU has managed to focus on its mission through the various treaties, its unique governmental structures, and co-operation with member countries.
The European Union is a significant organization in safeguarding human rights at the International level. One of the primary objectives of the European Union under the European Charter of Fundamental Rights is to protect human rights. In protecting human rights, the European Union uses the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) as a strategic approach to achieve its objectives. This initiative works in partnerships with NGOs in enhancing and protecting human rights. The European Union also works in conjunction with the NGOs such United Nations and the Red Cross (ICRC).
In protecting human rights, the European Union is guided by basic documents, such as the Council of Europe and the European conference on Human Rights (ECHR) that came as a result of international treaties. The European Commission integrates human rights with dialogue and cooperation through community aid programmes. The presence of the European Union has mostly been felt in the third world countries through its cooperation with the government.
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The Structure and Leadership of European Union
The European Union is governed by various institutions that manage its functions and operations. The structure of the EU is made up of three main components; the EU Council, European Commission and the Parliament. The European Council, which is currently, chaired Herman Van Rompuy aids the EU in making strategic decisions. The leadership of EC is held by different leaders after every six months. The European Commission is currently headed by Jose Manuel Barroso. All these and other leaders organize quarterly meetings. In the leadership of the European Union, the president is chosen by the member states and serves a period of two and half years, which is renewable for only one term.
For instance, the European Parliament consists of 736 members, whose role is to evaluate laws proposed by European Commission since they impact heavily on the lives of EU citizens. Some of the laws include those on environmental conservation, consumer rights and Equal Employment Opportunities’ (EEO).
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The structure of the European Union also contains Courts of Justice. The judges are chosen by each member states, and their function is to interpret the laws passed by the EU Besides, the courts ensure that the laws are applied in a correct manner, and al proceedings against E.U institutions are effectively managed.
Another vital component in the structure of EU is the Council of Ministers, which is a vital decision making organ. The Council of Ministers consists of ministers from each member states who discuss various issues ranging from foreign policy, trade agreements, economic and finance issues. This is done in conjunction with the Economic and Financial Affairs Council.
Social and Moral Values of the European Union
As an international organization, the social and moral values of the EU are diverse. The organization promotes peace and justice, not only in member countries but all over the world. The organization promotes and safeguards the issues of human rights under the European Charter for Human Rights. This means that the organization values humanity and peaceful co-existence of people and countries. For instance, the elimination of the Berlin Wall was an indicator that the organization promotes freedom of movement.
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The European Union Policies
The European Union has formulated policies that govern these member states and drive them towards achieving common objectives, unity, development and economic prosperity. It has replaced political, territorial and economic disputes between member states with political, territorial and economic policies. The policies have led to cooperation and unity among member states. Currently the states can make decisions together despite their differences. EU’s employment policy has changed the way state economies in Europe operate and relate for the better. States have given in on their political and territorial disputes so as to improve their correlation with other states. Other world countries have tried to emulate the European economies by adopting their human resource management strategies.
Critique of European Union Mandate
The European Union has been a successful organization. This is because they have managed to bring togetherness in its member states. Togetherness has enabled the EU to supervise and implement its policies throughout its member states. Its policies and strategies have brought a positive impact on the European economy. Since the EU is funded by contributions from member countries to a tune of €150 billion annually, the organization has lived within its objectives. In regard to its objectives, the EU has recorded tremendous achievements. In addition to promoting prosperity, communication and freedom, the organization’s policies have been instrumental in economic development. Furthermore, the developing and the third world countries have immensely benefitted from the foreign aid and assistance from EU.
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In conclusion, the EU remains a significant player in the world in terms of the economy, international relations and management of global affairs. Since its formation, the EU has achieved on its set mission, objectives, and continues to pursue other fundamental goals.
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