Nowadays there is not a single day when we do not have news about progress in cloning. Reports of accomplishment in this kind of medicine approach became more and more frequent. But are there any moral or ethical issues about implementing of this medicine research? Are there more risks or benefits about cloning? Would cloning change the whole image of humanity and the meaning of what is like to be human? Is it true that cloning is like “playing God”?
The term cloning is widely used in the medicine and means the copy of someone or something. Nowadays medicine is working on developing this approach in something bigger, when human beings would be able to create their DNA copies. Some of professors and people in whole think that cloning is a very ordinary process and that there is nothing morally or ethically wrong. While others would say that it is anti-moral, anti-ethical process to relive life through cloning, that it is a process against all morals and against God. Although using this gene research and gene therapy, medicine professors found out the way to heal some gene diseases. So after all there are good sides of cloning too.
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To create a clone of human-being, the DNA should be taken on the earliest stages of human development that means it should be taken in embryonic stage. Moreover it appears as an easy part to develop DNA exactly in embryonic stage of human-being as this stage is less protecting everywhere around the world. Scientists are trying to play good, but they are forgetting their attempts of lobotomies and the sterilization of orphans, all these experiments-tortures. They were trying to make an accomplishment in medicine, but scientists forgot that they were testing their methods on human-beings, on children. For example recent attempts to clone embryos caused the appearing of forums where many people are trying to convince everyone including scientists to stop all attempts to clone a human-being. Saying that it is immoral and hat for clone it could be impossible to live in this world where he would have a label “I am a clone”, people are trying to protest now not only with the help of forums, but also with the help of real meetings, creating clubs and organizations against cloning. People are trying to say that scientists need to stop messing with nature, because we already have done so much harmful things to it; that scientists need to stop playing God and do with what was given to us everything they want. However to others who are against cloning also, the term of “playing God” is quite subjective thing. For instance, years ago it was believed that scientists are playing Gods by transplanting organs from one person to another, but now this approach in medicine is an ordinary and very useful thing. In that case any medical approach could be translated as “playing God’ one. Although talking about “playing God” one can draw here a very thin line. Every person decides on his own whether to bring child into this world or not, whether to bring it in natural or other way. Exactly our choices decide our lives and its length. However if we take into consideration religious people opinions about cloning then for them this process would mean an act against God. They believe that people already have an ability to do marvelous things to save human life like transplanting organs. Some scientists are still arguing about using aborting embryos for their cloning experiments. They think that the stem cells of aborting embryos are already dead, so why not to use it for cloning experiments. Again it is immoral to do such things. It is not right to use other embryos cells just to create another human. Human cloning should be forbidden and banned. Cloning has its benefits, bit it does not worth all these benefits. Human cloning is immoral, unethical; moreover it could cause health risks, the risks of emotional disorders and it could cause even complications in human future development in whole. Cloning can be medically beneficial, yes, but it is very naïve to think that it could the only reason of its implementing. Cloning bodies scientists won’t manage to clone another person’s spirit too. One of the great examples of what could happen with mankind is shown in a movie called The Island. In this movie it is shown the life of clones; how it is to be someone’s clone, someone’s additional organs when one do not have own life and what is like to find out that one is just a clone; that one has no rights to live his own life, but only live it as a helper, as an additional organs for sort of his master. That is the horrible thing about cloning. Every scientists think that he would help with this experiment, but the truth is that he did not think about clone’s fate, clone’s desires. The problem is that scientists think about cloning as the process that would help many people to survive diseases in future, but they totally forgot that clones would be also humans with their own mind and wishes, with their own opinion about life.
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There is always a reason to everything; the reason why people are dying; the reason why this or that disease cannot be healed. Although sometimes people are trying to fight these reasons, they do not understand them, let’s not pretend that one could be God; let’s not pretend playing him.
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