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Category: College Life

Helpful Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay about School Uniforms College Life

Helpful Tips on Writing a Persuasive Essay about School Uniforms

For centuries, there has been a conversational question regarding the necessity of school uniforms. Is it really that vital? Should students be given ...
Suicide Essay College Life

Suicide Essay

Taking a Deep Insight Into How Suicide Can Affect People It’s no secret that in our life we have to deal with many issues. Some people think th...
Water and Its Importance for People College Life

Water and Its Importance for People

Water occupies more than two thirds of the Earth’s surface. This is why the planet is so unique. More than 95% of all water on the Earth is conc...
Living with a Roommate College Life

Living with a Roommate

You are about to become a college student, but have not found a roommate yet. There is no need to worry, as in fact, it is not so difficult to do it. ...
Five Morning Routines Happy People Do Every Day College Life

Five Morning Routines Happy People Do Every Day

Five Morning Chores a Happy Person Would Like to Have According to the latest studies, morning is the best time to treat your mental and physical hea...
Advantages of Doing a Sport in College College Life

Advantages of Doing a Sport in College

It goes without saying that sport has a positive influence on our mind and body, especially, if a person goes in for sports regularly or devotes some ...
Top 10 Hints to Motivate Millennials Study Harder College Life

Top 10 Hints to Motivate Millennials Study Harder

Millennials are also known as Digital Kids, Generation Y or Me Generation – they are young people who were born shortly before the beginning of ...
What to Have in Your Fridge to Stay Healthy? College Life

What to Have in Your Fridge to Stay Healthy?

If a midnight run to a fridge is your habit, you should seriously think about stocking up with healthy foods that contain a low amount of calories. If...
Tips on How to Find a Seasonal Job College Life

Tips on How to Find a Seasonal Job

As soon as the snow covers the city, people start anticipating holidays and festivities that come with it. However, while for some people, it is the t...
To-Do List Tips College Life

To-Do List Tips

 An efficient plan will keep you focused on the priority tasks, thus contributing to your credibility. Additionally, due to a structured to-do li...
How to Cook Healthy Chinese Food College Life

How to Cook Healthy Chinese Food

Chinese food has long since crossed the national borders. It’s beloved in the whole world and is among leaders of national cuisines popular in t...
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