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What to Have in Your Fridge to Stay Healthy?

What to Have in Your Fridge to Stay Healthy?

If a midnight run to a fridge is your habit, you should seriously think about stocking up with healthy foods that contain a low amount of calories. If you do not want to gain weight and always keep fit, fill in your fridge with these healthy cooking ingredients and never fill guilty of eating at midnight!

Healthy Cooking Tips for People Who Follow a Diet

Whole-Wheat Tortillas

The food contains complex carbs, so there will be no rise in the blood sugar levels if you eat it late at night. You may have a delicious snack by preparing a whole-wheat tortilla toast with low-fat cheese and agave syrup.


These satiating and sweet fruits are rich in fiber and potassium. You may eat a banana on its own or add slices of the fruit to oatmeal.


You may consider it a strange food to store in your fridge, however, this Japanese soybean paste is good for boosting immunity. Cook a soup by adding hot water or blend the paste with other ingredients to prepare a delicious salad, or yummy marinade for meat and fish.

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An egg is a good snack that includes 75 calories. On the other hand, the way you cook it changes the number of calories in a meal.


Whether it is soy, non-fat or almond, it is always good to keep a bottle of fresh milk in your fridge. You may easily use a glass of milk to cook hot cocoa with chocolate only in 10 minutes.


This healthy nut is a good alternative for crunchy and greasy snacks, such as buttery crackers and potato chips. Almonds are also a perfect addition to cereals, smoothies, and non-fat yogurt. 

Peanut Butter

If you use a small piece of peanut butter and spread it on a toast, you will get much more nourishing breakfast than a toast with plain butter. Peanut butter is rich in vitamin B, folate and monounsaturated fats that bring no harm to your figure if eaten in moderation.

Cottage Cheese

This type of cheese is able to keep you full longer. You may cook a dessert by mixing cottage cheese, fresh fruit, and almonds.

Now you know the best cooking tricks that will help you to fight hunger and keep fit even if you cannot resist the temptation of eating at midnight. 

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