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College Communication Skills: Small Talks

College Communication Skills: Small Talks

Entering college is always hard. You’re lucky if you have a friend who entered college with you, but in most cases, you are getting into this environment completely alone. Do not be a weirdo, break the ice using a small talk. How to use it properly? Below we prepared a few pieces of helpful advice.

Overcome Awkwardness

Awkward silence is a normal phenomenon since you both have never ever seen each other before. If the pause lasts for too long, do not worry too much about it. Furthermore, your interlocutor might be as shy as you are.

Most likely, people are concentrated on themselves instead of thinking about you, so do not be afraid to be who you are. 

Be Mutual

The conversation may be unsuccessful, and it is okay. Do not force your partner to continue talking if he is trying to end the small talk. Politely ask questions and have a genuine interest in one’s life.

Avoid sharing only about yourself since you will never figure out something that will help to keep small talk up in future. At the same time, do not ask too many questions, because some cultures consider it very rude.

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Remember the Details

Try to keep in mind some details about your new friend and use them next time you have a conversation. By doing so, you show your interest and respect to that particular person.

For example, if you have discovered that John likes some special kind of alcohol and he doesn’t drink anything else, buy a bottle for him the next time you throw a party, it will be thoughtful and nice of you.

Find Something in Common

Common interests are a basis of friendship. Try to speak out on your hobbies and opinions. It is always pleasant to find another person who shares the same ideas and interests as you do.

If you want to speak with an attractive person at a party, tell a bit about yourself and then ask about them. Nice people will ask in return and as a result, hopefully, you will become good friends.

Let Your Body Speak

Do not try to notice how you behave while you are having a conversation. It might get you too nervous and thus, spoil the first impression, for instance. Do not cross hands. Be open and smile. Also, remember names. Using a name is very important in building any kind of relationships.


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If you want to have a big social circle, be imitative, start a conversation first. We hope that these hints will help you to overcome the hard times of entering college. Good luck!


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