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Balancing College and Everything Else

Balancing College and Everything Else

I can confidently affirm that I am the queen of stress. Actually, it is too easy for me to get stressed, predominantly for reasons that are not worth it. And one of those places where stress comes very easy is college. It is enough for me to get into a class and find out a homework assignment to immediately start stressing, even if that assignment is actually not that complicated.

However, I have found numerous ways to manage stress. If you, just like me, try using some of my tips to deal with it.

Plan Everything

If you know what you need to do on every certain day, it helps in reducing stress. There are times when the number of tests and assignments is too overwhelming. By keeping a good planner and writing down your plans, you can always review everything whenever you want or need.

Take a look at your class schedules and write in your planner all the upcoming tests, examinations and important assignments. This takes not more than half an hour a week and helps avoid much stress.

Visualize Your Day

Once you wake up, take several minutes to visualize the whole day. Think about things you have to get done and in what order you are going to do this. Keep in mind of how much time you require for every task.

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Wake Up Early

I believe I manage everything because I wake up early every day. By waking up at 6 a.m., I get up a couple of hours earlier than I normally would, so I have enough time to start my time on a relaxed note and enjoying every morning. I use that extra time to do the things I know need to get done, write my plans for a day, and eat a healthy breakfast.

Disconnect when It Is Possible

Sometimes, we lack motivation to switch off our phones, and disconnect ourselves from everything around us. However, it is great to turn off your phones from time to time. Really, just take some time to enjoy your life without your smart phone buzzing in the pocket every minute. You can also shut off all the notifications that interrupt you and even uninstall certain applications. Just give yourself some time every day to disconnect from the outside world. Very soon, you will see how it helps you to distress and become more relaxed.

Let Your Positives Outweigh Your Negatives

Most of us tend to constantly think of what does not get finished, or what we forgot to do. However, it is sometimes better to focus on something positive rather than on something negative. Keep in mind what you are capable of, things you have completed, and how far you have come. Remember that nobody is perfect. It is very important to understand that this concerns you as well, and praise yourself for all the things that deserve to be praised.


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