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Logical Ideas for Academic Writing: Pre-Writing Stage

Logical Ideas for Academic Writing: Pre-Writing Stage

Many people when reading a book wonder how the authors come up with such brilliant ideas for writing. Usually, readers think of whether storytellers tell some stories from their own experience (and it should be very rich experience, shouldn’t it?) or whether they brainstorm some ideas after being inspired by some movies or stories of other authors. Actually, writers employ many techniques when they set their mind on writing. One of the best ones is the prewriting stage. This is the very first step towards writing a story when you just set the scene for your writing and experiment with the ideas that cross your mind. On prewriting stage, you do not need to be logical in the layout of the ideas – it’s perfectly normal to be messy and just draft them.

Check out some of the prewriting strategies that may help you to begin writing a paper:


If you don’t know what to start with, simply think about the subject you are writing on. Maybe you will find some interesting ideas coming to your mind. Probably you will want to write about some morality or philosophical aspect.

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Which questions surround your topic? Which of them might prove useful when developing an argument? Write down any questions that come to your mind and try to draft a framework to your argument development.

Practice Free Writing

Take some time and just start to write anything that comes to your mind regarding the topic. Do not focus on proper sentence structures or grammar. Just write. This is the best technique when you want to collect some raw material for your paper.

Brainstorm Ideas

Gather new ideas for your writing. This technique will bring your writing to a significant level. Write them down in a graph or a list.

Apply Graphical Ways to Gather Ideas

Use mind mapping to represent your ideas visually. It will help you get a clear picture of the ideas you have gathered, structure them, and effectively analyze.

Make Lists of Ideas

The brainstorming process might generate some more ideas in your mind. Therefore, make sure you have a blank sheet of paper and a pen beside you to quickly note down the ideas and aspects that appear in your mind.


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Create an Outline

You may create a brief outline or an extended one, but make sure you do not miss on this step. An outline can help you set the framework for your paper and better organize the ideas in the paper.

We truly hope that the pre-writing strategies provided in this blog will help you succeed in your writing. In case you have come across many difficulties while writing or do not have enough time for it, feel free to contact our company and enjoy online custom writing help at reasonable prices. is here to help you with a writing assignment of any topic. Our help is available 24/7.

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