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“Yours” by Mary Robinson Essay

“Yours” by Mary Robinson Essay

Frankly speaking, reading is my hobby. Isn’t it one of the best feelings when you lie on the sofa with an interesting book and the whole world inside of it?

I would like to share my impression of the story I’ve read recently. Its title is “Yours”, and the author is Mary Robison. There is a limited amount of writings which have deeply impressed me, but “Yours” is one of them.

 Let me share with you some thoughts about this touching story.

 In the beginning, we get acquainted with a man named Clark, who is 78 years old, and his wife Allison, who is 35. The scene takes place at night before Halloween, and a couple makes jacks-o-lanterns from pumpkins. It might seem trivial, but the symbolic meaning of pumpkins has a powerful message, as Allison made two sad and two smiling faces and Clark – depressive and expressive ones. Later, we find out that Allison died… Unfortunately, she had cancer. And from that point you start to give new meaning to all the conversation between the married couple, their relationship and attitude to life.

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There is one more interesting thing in the story. It is a letter from relatives who are obviously not happy about that kind of marriage: an old man and a young woman who is probably cheating on him. But they didn’t know anything. I am sure, love of all ages never yields.

We also read about Clark and Allison’s small argument on the topic whose jacks-o-lanterns are better. Clark says that his wife’s lanterns are better, but she doesn’t agree. They try to make each other happier. Isn’t it a true sign of love?

Don’t forget that every person is unique and important, and love always matters.

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