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Ethical and Socially Responsive Business

Free «Ethical and Socially Responsive Business» Essay Sample


There are many restaurants in the United States nowadays, each of them having its own code of conduct and promoting its mission to the community. Being part of the big corporation, The Cheesecake Factory is actively supporting quality food production and at the same time positive employee attitude among its staff members. Its service is based primarily on the culture of people who live in local area. They have motivated the restaurant’s management to create such community-based restaurant where more than 70 per cent of customers are locals who know the quality of the menu and appreciate the atmosphere of a friendly service the restaurant delivers.

Code of conduct

The restaurant’s code of conduct is focused around the following key areas: the guests’ well-being, employees’ well-being, and active participation in social projects. The Cheesecake Factory does not only offer a spot to eat out, but is also a part of local community. The restaurant supports all the events in the area and takes part in most of them.
The guests’ well-being is the major objective of the Cheesecake Factory. The restaurant is created for the guests, and together with its staff members, the management realizes the necessity to provide only the best food, the best meal experience, the best music, the best atmosphere. Everything that the guests like or dislike the restaurant handles on the spot. The Cheesecake Factory’s code of conduct speaks for itself as it never lets any guest leave the restaurant without sharing his or her experience and helping us improve it.

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The Cheesecake Factory is a family-structured business in terms of its employees. In the code of conduct, is clearly stated that trust and loyalty are the key characteristics of the restaurant’s staff members and their relationships. The employees are motivated to provide friendliness to the people with the food and to create positive emotions. It is believed that one of the strongest motivators for doing business usually becomes part of code of conduct (Mamic, 2004; Pendleton, 2014). With respect to the restaurant’s main topic, the management demands from all the staff members to actively support all friendly initiatives and activities.

Finally, the social role that is one of the major parts of the restaurant’s code of conduct is that it deals with customer complaints, kitchen standards, and employee issues. It actively supports the professional development of it’ staff and managers truly believe that the restaurant is a friendly family where everything is based on the principles of mutual respect and appreciation.


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Control measures

In order to control the code of conduct fulfillment in the restaurant, managers first inform all their old and new staff about issues that associate with the code of conduct. The management makes sure that the staff does the same: everything that relates to the guests’ well-being, social role and especially confidentiality issues is important. The staff members have to put these issues to their top priority list to follow the code of conduct. If they bring in new information, activities, if they share them and manage events related to these issues, they become part of code of conduct. In this way they not only follow it, they live it.


The restaurants have to become community-based businesses in order to engage in social activities. The key task is not only to do business, but to listen actively what is going on around in the local area, what does local news say, what do visitors speak about, what do visitors want, what are they inspired with etc. Finally, the third way is to start a topic, which is important in the area and just like the Cheesecake Factory to the public – become the center of this theme, engage more people in it including the staff members and the guests.

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