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Clark’s Termite & Pest Control

Free «Clark's Termite & Pest Control» Essay Sample

The company Clark’s Termite & Pest Control deals with termite and pest activity. Providing its services since 1963, the initial name of the company was Arrow Exterminating Company when Frank Clark purchased it, but now many countries know it as Clark’s Termite & Pest Control. The company now is in hands of Frank’s son David Clark. The company offers the services completed by professional staff with the experience of over 20 years in structural pest control industry. Background check waits for everyone who deals with the company. Thorough and continuous trainings are conducted regularly to support and improve technicians’ qualification. The equipment in the organization is innovative as it guarantees safe and quality services. Dealing with termite and pest activity, the company initially operated on the territory of Columbia, but now its services can be ordered in other towns all over the South California, such as Irmo, North Charleson, Monck’s Corne, Piedmont, Spartanburg, Sumter, and Lexington. The target market of the organization is the owners of the houses. The company aims to keep those cleaned and protected from various possible insects. The services available with the company may be divided into three main categories, pest control, termite control, and home services. Pest control category involves free inspection of the house and destruction of such insects which usually bother countryside population as bed bugs, mosquitoes, fire ants, etc. Having such a wide niche, the company offers its services not only to countryside citizens, but also to city population if they have some of the mentioned problems. Termites are the most dangerous insects for countryside population as they eat 24 hours a day. These small creatures may destroy the whole house, therefore, I is important to have protection from them. Finally, home service category offers such services as keeping home mold and moisture, cares for lawn and provides home repair and improvements paying special attention to structural integrity. Clark’s Termite & Pest Control has many competitors, such as Corky’s Pest Control, Terminix, Orkin Pest & Termite Control, New-Tec Pest Management Inc, American Exterminating Co, Dial Exterminating Company Inc, and many other companies which deal with the same services. Thus, the sphere is rather competitive and to understand whether Clark’s Termite & Pest Control has many advantages in the offered sphere, it a recap of its current research and analysis process is to be conducted (Clark’s Termite & Pest Control, 2013).

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To begin with, Clark’s Termite & Pest Control is the company which uses the latest research for implementing their services. Having understood what is particularly important for customers, the company has come to the conclusion that their technique and substances used for pests’ liquidation have to be safe both for people and wildlife. Having pets and other animals at home, people want to make sure that nothing is going to harm them. Clark’s Termite & Pest Control guarantees that the materials used in their services are safe. Having visited a house an inspector creates a Wood Infestation Report which is the basis for creating a program for this particular house. Therefore, each customer is treated individually. The organization does not have its personal research institutions, but it uses the achievements of other scientific institutions. The company also deals with the finest builders and realtors in South California. Therefore, customers may feel security is dealing with the company. To understand how the company works, the research of the steps taken in case a customer contacts it is to be conducted. Thus, the first step is a contact from the customer. Once a person feels he/she has the problems with pest or needs lawn assistance, he/she may either call to the professionals or leave a request online and Clark’s Termite & Pest Control staff is going to contact the customer. After it, a customer and a company agree on a day of free inspection. The result of this inspection is offered in the Wood Infestation Report which is considered in case a customer orders company’s services (Wood Infestation Report, n.d.). This organization guarantees safety and quality of the services. The main priority of the organization is clean and safe home for both people and their pets. In conclusion, the company is located in one region without desire to widen its business. The prices of the company are advantages and the inspection is free which creates additional customer interest. The services are varied and each house owner can find whatever he/she wants. Finally, the promotion of the services is mostly based on the recommendations (Nebel, & Wright, 1993).


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Having considered the services of the company and the way how they are conducted, it is possible to recommend the following issues based on the strengths and opportunities of the company. First, one of the main priorities of the corporation is a free inspection. Clark’s Termite & Pest Control may initiate a specific program taking into account this issue. The initiative is to offer an inspection of each house on free basis. Thus, the company may increase their customer database and have the information about the situation with pests infection in the region. Second, to be the first company among other similar corporations, Clark’s Termite & Pest Control has already included lawn care. Thus, each client who has offered pest of termite control service may get lawn or home service for free. The state location is a priority in case a company wants to become the only leader in the area, however, there are a lot of other competing companies who may have a desire to offer the same services. Therefore, Clark’s Termite & Pest Control should search for markets in other states where the risk of pests is high.

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