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Alexander Wang Fashion Marketing Campaign

Free «Alexander Wang Fashion Marketing Campaign» Essay Sample

The United States is home to some of the world’s leading fashion designers, and design schools such as Parsons; the leading school of design globally. In submitting my application to Parsons, I would like to analyze the fashion marketing style of Alexander Wang because I believe that he is one of America’s greatest fashion designers. The uniqueness of Wang fashions is that, although it specializes in women wears, the products are known for their masculine touch and designs.

The fashion marketing campaign for Alexander Wang has been extremely fascinating. The New York based fashion house has starred the fashion industry through its creativity, and a chain of product lines making it a global brand name. In 2007, Wang launched the first chain of ready-to-wear collection line for women, comprising of casual stylish clothing. Furthermore, the women collection was inspired by French chic, rock grunge and nineties style with slouchy finishes. In 2008, after being nominated by the Council of fashion designers in America, Wang was awarded $200,000 for his exemplary contribution in the fashion industry. Besides, Wang has been widely featured in the Vogue magazine, thus marketing his fashion house to numerous customers (Eceiza, 2010).

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The fashion marketing campaign was heightened in spring 2009 with the launch of a diffusion line comprising of T-shirts, cotton tees, and a collection of footwear sandals. During the 2009 Victoria Secret fashion show, Wang’s women clothing were ranked No. 1. The Wang fashion house has opened over 20 stores, which are strategically located to market its fashions. Furthermore, the global brand has had a positive impact to consumers as result advertisements in various outlets. Besides, Wang fashions have developed a unique website where all the fashions are displayed, and can be accessed worldwide.

Alexander Wang has become synonymous to the youthful population, which admires and form the largest part of the company’s market share. As a result, the company has won various awards such as Swarovski designer of the year (womenswear category) in 2009, and Swiss textile award in 2009 (Eceiza, 2010). Below is a sample of Wang’s classic fashion clothing. More fashions can be found at the website provide in the references.

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