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Essay on Cultural Diversity

Essay on Cultural Diversity

If you were assigned to write the cultural competence essay on the Eastern and Western cultures, here is a guideline for you:

To the Eastern culture belong such countries, as India, Japan, etc. They strive to continue their old traditions and do not like to change them to something new.

To the Western culture belong the culture of Europe and the USA and is defined by dynamic lifestyle and incessant development of new technologies.


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The Differences

  1. Unlike the Western culture which undergoes a lot of changes with the flow of time, the Eastern culture has not developed this way and many old traditions are still kept alive.
  2. The Eastern culture is defined by a variety of different Gods and religions. However, in the Western culture, there is only one God and most people are Christians.
  3. The Eastern culture is based on the long-standing ancient traditions and rules. The West can break the rules and change them with the development.
  4. The West tries to discover this world while the East is not keen on modern technologies.
  5. People from the Western culture can express their opinion straightforwardly and concisely. They do not use very complex sentences and words. However, the people from the Eastern culture often use such constructions and insert citations.
  6. In the case of the Western culture, the person is first unlike the Eastern culture where people live for the sake of others.
  7. People from the West try to solve a problem in the shortest way unlike the people from the East who contemplate a lot and will do their best to find the other solution.
  8. The Eastern and Western cultures greatly vary in the mood and the weather. In the case of the balmy weather, all people will be happy, but the people from the East will be happy even in the case of rain unlike the people from the West who tend to get frustrated with bad weather.
  9. The old people from the Western culture devote their spare time to animals or traveling, but the people from the East try to devote most their free time to their children, families, and relatives.
  10. In the case of Western culture, the boss is treated as the usual worker who can even be your companion but in the Eastern culture, the boss is the wisest in the company and people hold him in high esteem.
  11. The transport system also differs. For instance, in 1970 the most common means of transport in the West was a car while in the East people went by bicycles. However, in the year 2006, it became vice versa. People from the East go mostly by cars, whereas the people from the West strive to go by bicycles.
  12. When traveling, people from the West try to see all the famous sights unlike the people from the East who tend to film everything they observe.
  13. In terms of food, the people from the West prefer eastern food, whereas the people from the East prefer European cuisine.

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Accordingly, we can conclude that people are different and thus, their cultures vary as well. It is truly enthralling to discover new cultures for yourself which makes a cultural essay an interesting and cognitive task.

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  • 12 pt. Times New Roman
  • Double-spaced/Single-spaced papers
  • 1 inch margins
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