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Article Critique: Tips on Successful Writing

When buying an article critique from you will get professional assistance from expert writers, who will provide unbiased evaluation of the article’s strong and weak points. Among a variety of academic writing tasks, article critique poses daunting challenges for students, as they are required to carry out a thorough research and conduct a literature review. Besides, to conduct adequate analysis and extract sufficient supporting evidence, students need to get access to online databases or libraries. Further, to provide successful article critique writing, it is important to differentiate between it and other types of academic writing, such as a persuasive type. In article critiques, you need to objectively evaluate the article written by another person and pinpoint to its strengths and weaknesses by providing adequate illustrative materials and clear examples.

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Structure of Article Critique Assignments

When students are assigned to write an article critique, they are often taken aback since they are not familiar with this type of writing. Besides, they may be lost at how to properly complete the assignment. Article critique examples may come in handy since a student may get a general notion what the organization of the paper should be. Nonetheless, using an article critique sample does not guarantee submitting a premium-quality writing since templates or examples found online may be full of mistakes. As such, it is important to consider professional sources when devising article reviews or critiques. Expert writers hired at have compiled a list of tips that will shed light on how to write an article critique.

  1. Make sure the style of writing is academic. Do not deviate from the point and closely examine the main points that the article’s author is aiming to make.
  2. Make sure you use proper explanations and illustrative evidence from the article in order to support the claims.
  3. Be unbiased and objective in your evaluations.
  4. Provide a brief and concise summary of text in order to make the target reader familiar with the background information.
  5. Examine both strengths and weaknesses of the article. State whether the article’s author was effective in presenting his/ her viewpoint.

How to Order an Article Critique

Step 1
Place your order by filling in the order form
Step 2
Pay for your article critique so that the writer could start writing it
Step 3
Your order will be assigned to the best writer
Step 4
Once your article critique is created, you will be able to download it

Professional Advice on Writing a Custom Article Critique

Article critique writing is a type of academic writing that you will most often encounter during your studies at college or university. You can be assigned to provide an article critique on any level of your studying – be it high school or Master’s. Therefore, you should take a serious approach towards mastering your critical and analytical skills in writing critiques as you will not avoid writing them. Often, critique writing will be decisive for getting good grades, so if you want to achieve academic success, make sure to learn efficiently.

  1. Read the text of the article you are assigned to critique. Be careful to details and make sure to jot down all important information that has been striking to you.
  2. Try to grasp the central idea of the article. Afterwards, focus on its discussion.
  3. When making notes, focus on identifying such key aspects as the main message the author conveys, supporting arguments and examples that he/ she presents, the correspondence of style to the target audience, etc.
  4. Outline the backbone of your article critique. Decide what you will include in the introductory paragraph, what claim regarding the article you will make, how many body paragraphs you will have, etc.
  5. Make sure you format the paper in the specified format.
  6. Edit and proofread the paper before submission.

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If you are not sure in your capabilities of writing an excellent paper, you are free to consider professional help from a reputable custom writing service You can always delegate your writing project to us regardless of its complexity and academic level. provides expert and top-notch quality aid for students from all over the world. Ordering article critique help online has never been so easy.

How to Order a Paper

  1. Upload as detailed instructions as possible. Be clear when explaining what exactly you need to provide in the paper or how the paper should look like.
  2. Indicate the exact number of pages, deadline, writing style, citation format, number of references, etc. Make sure you prudently set the deadline depending on the paper length you need. Since our writers conduct original research and write papers according to customized requirements, you should keep in mind that there should be sufficient time for adequate research.
  3. Conduct order payment. All the payment systems utilized by our service are secure, so do not be afraid to conduct payments online. You can transfer money either via PayPal or with your credit card.
  4. Contact the writer any time you need with the help of our message system on the company’s website. You can keep track of the progress of your order writing and monitor what has already been done. Besides, you can discuss any pending updates or any other issues.
  5. Download the paper. The final version will be uploaded into your profile. It can be also forwarded to you via email.
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All pieces of academic writing are produced in an expert style. Nonetheless, if there are some aspects you either do not approve or agree with, you are free to send a revision message for free within 2 days after the deadline expiration. If the paper is long (more than 20 pages), you will have the whole 30 days for sending free revision requests. When sending revision request, it is important to make sure it does not differ from the original instructions.

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  • 12 pt. Times New Roman
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