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Professionals Can Show You How to Write a Reference List

A reference list or page is a list of sources that you have consulted and cited within your essay, research project or some other academic paper. It is essential to know how to write a reference list since it impacts your grade. As a rule, the sources are organized in an alphabetical order and according to specific rules and standards. These rules depend on a citation style that your professor will expect you to follow. A reference page should provide brief information about each of the sources, including the authors’ names, title, year of publication, medium of publication, the publisher, etc. If you do not know how to organize a reference list for your paper, rely on reference list writing help available at Experts on our team will gladly help you with that.

It does not matter to us what type of paper you need to submit. We reassure you that we can handle it. Our writers hold Master’s or Ph.D. academic degrees in different research fields, so they can cope with the lists for essays, case studies, lab reports, research papers, term papers, coursework, and even dissertations. If you need to compose your references page from scratch, do not worry – we will come up with appropriate and credible sources depending on the topic you have.

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Why Provide a Citation List?

When working on academic writing assignments within a specific subject area, it is essential to support your ideas and arguments with formerly researched evidence. So, if you use ideas and facts from other’s research works, you need to take responsibility and refer to the original author by providing an in-text citation. All in-text citations and a reference list should be organized in accordance with a required citation style, namely APA, ASA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.

An in-text citation is the mentioning of a source within the text after you have provided some idea or thought from a book or article. You put this citation in parentheses after the sentence with the cited idea. It helps readers spot the arguments that you have taken from other scholars. When a reader sees this brief information about the source in the parentheses, they can then find complete information about the source in the reference page.

How Do I Do My References?

First of all, make sure you have a separate reference page at the end of the paper. Depending on the required style, it can have a specific name: a works cited page (in MLA) or references (in APA). In some other styles, it may be called “Reference list” or a “Bibliography.”

How to Order a Reference List

Step 1
Place your order by filling in the order form
Step 2
Pay for your list of references so that the writer could start creating it
Step 3
Your assignment will be assigned to the best writer
Step 4
Once your list of references is done, you will be able to download it

Is There a Difference between a Reference Page and a Bibliography?

Yes, there is a slight difference between these two. A reference page contains only those sources that you have cited throughout the paper and no others. A bibliography, nonetheless, apart from cited sources, also contains those sources that you have reviewed or studied but did not cite in the piece of writing.

However, in such a style as OSCOLA, what they call a bibliography is actually a reference list.

If you are confused with all these differences and have not understood how to write a reference list, do not worry. With a reference list writing service at, you can get proper guidance and professional assistance. As a result, you will have the sources from your paper organized and cited.

Experts on our team are fully aware of the latest formatting standards and well-versed in such styles as APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, ASA, Oxford, Vancouver, and others. They know how to format different types of papers, organize in-text citations, place footnotes and endnotes, and cite a variety of sources, including electronic ones.

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Reasons to Choose Service

We have loyal customers who have solid reasons to cooperate with us. Our company has won excellent reputation for being a trustworthy company that provides top-notch services. So, check out three main reasons why you should rely on us instead of struggling with the assignment on your own:

  1. Lack of time. With plenty of home assignments you get on a daily basis, it may be really hard or virtually impossible to dedicate a decent amount of time to learning about how to write a reference list and organizing your paper appropriately.
  2. Challenging assignments. We have great experts who can help you even with the most demanding tasks no matter what the topic is.
  3. Insufficient writing skills. Let us face the truth: many students have limited writing skills, so if you have got an assignment that you cannot cope with, do not hesitate and rely on us for help.

We are there to help you regardless of what pushes you to use some support from the professionals.

Advantages from Using Services

  • Help in saving your time. When you delegate at least the formatting and citation part of your assignment to us, you will finally have some free time for enjoyable activities. We will help you manage your time better, especially if you have a family to care for or a part-time job.
  • You are bound to receive original content. Whether you need APA referencing or referencing in any other style, we carefully check whether the sources used are credible and up-to-date, so we do guarantee you that the content of your paper is top-quality and authentic. We never use a citation generator and format sources manually according to the required standards.
  • We offer affordable prices. An average client can afford our services. We fully realize that our customers are mainly students, so we provide favorable prices. An average per-page price starts at $12.99.
  • With us, you will boost your GPA. With our assistance, you can rest assured that the academic results you get will exceed your expectations.
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Place an Order with Us

If you do not know how to write a reference list, do not be in panic. You can totally rely on our experienced writers who are well-versed in numerous frequently assigned citation styles: from APA format to ASA or Harvard. All you have to do is leave your specific paper details, provide your personal and contact information, pay for the order, and wait until we assign a writer. While your assigned expert is working on your paper, you can relax and leave your worries behind.

FREE Extras:

  • FREE revision (within 2 days)
  • FREE title page
  • FREE bibliography
  • FREE outline (on request)
  • FREE e-mail delivery
  • FREE formatting

We Guarantee:

  • Quality research and writing
  • 24/7/365 Live support
  • MA, BA, and PhD degree writers
  • 100% Confidentiality
  • No hidden charges
  • Never resold works
  • Complete authenticity

Paper Format:

  • 12 pt. Times New Roman
  • Double-spaced/Single-spaced papers
  • 1 inch margins
  • Any citation style
  • Up-to-date sources only
  • Fully referenced papers
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