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Category: Review

Ronald Regan Presidential Speech

On January 20, 1981 Ronald Regan gave a compelling speech during an inaugural address to the citizens of America. In his speech, Regan concentrated on explaining how the government should be made to w...

Goffman’s Notion of Face-Work

The notion of Facework was developed by Erving Goffman, to describe the development of “lines” of social interaction among individuals in a different setting. Goffman (1995) argues that, t...

Communication and Personality in Negotiations

People often take part in negotiations without even being aware of this. Negotiations are the main point of any communication act that involves different people. Every time while communicating with an...

Humanity, Evil and Kindness in “Blade Runner” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”

“As we give our machines selected human characteristics to make them more efficient, they will tend to discover humanity in their own unique way, rising above their 'specifications' to actually ...

Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye is the movie directed by John Schlesinger. It is a criminal drama, thriller, starring such great actors as Sally Field, Kiefer Sutherland and Ed Harris. Eye for an Eye is based on the n...

The Culture of Thin Bites Fiji

The article “The Culture of Thin Bites Fiji” is about the issue of the women’s weight. The author Ellen Goodman describes Fiji as an island Fantasyland where people became happier wi...

How Gen Y & Boomers Will Reshape Your Agenda

In the contemporary business world, the mangers operate in full recession mode whilst wrestling on the capability of weighing alternatives or head count reduction in the battle for attempting to get f...

Consumption Culture

1. In her work entitled The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don’t Need Schor explains the core of consumerism. The core is that, in general, people desire to create their own image, whic...

On Sale at Old Navy: Cool Clothes for Identical Zombies by Damien Cave

Damien Cave, an associate editor of the Rolling Stone and the writer of the Salon website, wrote an interesting article about the current situation on the trade market. In his article, Cave expresses ...
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