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Category: Medicine

The Ischemic Heart Disease in Cuba

Cuba is a republic that is situated in the Caribbean. It is a communist state with the population over 11 million, which ranks as one of the most populous in the region. Cuba consists of about 1600 is...

IT Assessment: Partners in Health

1. Executive Summary The aim of this research project is to depict how a health organization (Partners In Health) has encompassed the use of Information Technology in its day-to-day operations in res...

Preventive Measures against Malaria in Asian and African Countries

Malaria is widespread throughout the tropical and subtropical zones, as well as in the temperate one. Wherever there are some conditions for the Anopheles mosquitoes, the larvae of which live in shall...

Russian American Immigrants

Introduction Heritage of Russian Americans' Culture As a direct descendant of two empires, i.e. the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, Russian Federation unites numerous nationalities, cultures, a...

Differential Diagnoses

Differential diagnoses for this patient include vitiligo, cellulitis, tinea versicolor, and recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS). People with tinea versicolor often report disturbing and abnormal pigme...

3D Printing

3D-printer is a printing device that constructs three-dimensional objects. Budmen and Rotolo, in their work The Book on 3D Printing, write, “In 1984, Charles Hull developed a technology of print...

Diabetes and Its Risk Factors

Rationale Current presentation has different purposes aiming at reaching the target audience and informing it on the most widespread risk factors of diabetes. The presentation has a goal of using the ...

Causes of Acute and Chronic Abdominal Pain in 20-Year-Old versus 50-Year-Old Male

Introduction Abdominal pain remains one of the most common cases in outpatient setting and can be a major challenge in terms of making a diagnosis. Despite the fact that most cases of abdominal pain a...

Restructure of the U.S. Health Care Delivery System: Peculiarities in Nursing

The restructure of the U.S. health care delivery system does not eliminate nurses, and they are going to play an important role in health care process. Even though more and more nursing jobs are going...

Debate on the Right to Healthcare

The issue of access to quality healthcare has formed a fodder for debates in many quarters and boardrooms all over the globe. This is because some people argue that healthcare is a right while others ...

Healthcare Disparities

For many decades, the most pertinent problem in America has been the absence of a universal healthcare program that ensures affordable medical attention to all citizens. The term healthcare disparitie...

Fast Food and Health Problems

Fast food has been described as any meal that can be prepared quickly, served and easily available for consumption. Some of the most common fast foods include hamburgers, French fries, pizza and tacos...

The Health of Children and Adolescents

Health is the most important part of the social sphere, one of the main factors of national security, which determines the livelihood of the society. The responsibility for one’s health everyone...

Nursing Knowledge

What is nursing knowledge? A nurse is a professional in the sector of health care that specialises on the care of persons, communities, and families in order to ensure that they recover, maintain, or ...

Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema

The chronic bronchitis and emphysema are both lung diseases, but beside the similarities, they have many differences. Chronic bronchitis is a disease characterized by chronic or recurrent excessive mu...
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