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Policy Brief: Child Abuse and Neglect

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Child abuse and neglect is the problem which increases its scope. Official statistics is discouraging, and thinking about unofficial data, the issue seems catastrophic. The problem is more difficult due to the fact that child abuse and neglect mostly occurs in families and children do not have an opportunity to apply to help. It is important to develop and increase the number of policies directed at protecting children from neglect and abuse creating supportive social environment and following the policy statements offered by the National Association of Social Workers.


An issue of child abuse and neglect has always been a problem due to prejudiced parental opinion that children are their property. Such old-fashioned point of view was formed in 1970s and many parents continue following it now (National Association of Social Workers, 2003). Many activities took place in order to make sure that children were safe and secured. Government and social services implemented “prevention, assessment, investigation, prosecutions, and treatment activities” (National Association of Social Workers, 2003, p. 45) reporting results to show that the work is in process and children are not alone anymore. Even though the situation has improved, much is to be corrected and developed to make sure that children in our country are protected.

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One of the main reasons of the problem existence is adults’ opinion that children are too young to make decisions, they cannot take care of themselves. Therefore, they should not have their own opinion. This is the first issue which is to be included in the policy. Furthermore, government does not pay much attention to children of immigrants, however, they are to have the same rights as the children of the citizens of the country. Looking at the problem from outside, neighbors sometimes remain far from the problems of others. It is wrong. Only working together it is possible to release from the difficulties. The absence of adequate protection of witnesses of child abuse in families negatively affects the encouragement of neighbors to deal with the problems. Dealing with child abuse and neglect, authorities usually search for another place of residence for children and other non-offending members of the family. It would be better if an offender is refused to live in that house being obligated to stay away from it. Social workers are unable to deal with all the families, but the increase of the project funding could make the problem easier for solving. Finally, the information should be better delivered as living in the country many people are not aware of the services they may turn to in case of problem appearance. Thus, all the aspects mentioned above need solution and the National Association of Social Workers has developed a particular policy which should be implemented with the purpose to reduce the cases of child abuse and neglect.


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The position of the National Association of Social Workers is that children are to be protected from abuse and neglect by means of improving the punishment system, implementation better monitoring of the possible cases of abuse and creating supportive environment for preventing possible cases of neglect.

Recommendations and conclusions

The policies dealing with preventing child abuse and neglect should be reconsidered and additional amendments are to be applied. First, it is necessary to make sure that policy considers all children equal and deserving members of society which means that they should have personal opinion and the right of choice. Respected treatment is to be a priority. Children should know where they can turn to in case of problems. Social services are to work in collaboration with relatives and neighbors to increase the effectiveness of the policy.

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