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The Effects of Globalization on World Politics

Free «The Effects of Globalization on World Politics» Essay Sample

This paper elucidates and elaborates how the concept of globalization, and its effects on world politics. Globalization means the widening and speeding of the world interconnectedness. It is a controversial aspect on world politics. It has brought many positives in various fields like business, being termed, the world as a ‘global village’. Communication has been made easy thanks to the improved technology. As a result, individuals are able to seal business deals within a remarkably short time regardless of the distances between them. This essay will discuss the effects of globalization on world politics.

Globalization has had immense influence on world politics. Mingst contends “the concept of infrastructural communications has brought about the demise of the sovereign state as global forces undermine the potential of nations to control their own financial systems and societies” (215). The ancient system was based on the idea that nations are sovereign, and no foreign state was to interfere in the affairs of any other country. Now with the modes of communication opened up, sources of income are neither local based since individuals can work online and get funds, international organizations can also channel their aid easily, this has profoundly empowered the local citizens.

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Globalization has changed leadership and governance that is the state or nation based towards global based politics. It no longer is politics of state power, or boundary disputes but politics of problem solving and encounter of challenging that have risen majorly from the globalization issue again (Baylis & Smith 133). Terrorists have improved their works since their communication too has gone up. Their weapons of mass destruction can go off just by the press of a remote button far away from the scene of terrorism. Money laundering business has flourished during this global village era.

Politics has thereby moved from state centered towards addressing such concerns that threaten the survival of humankind. Challenges posed by climate change including the credit crunch and manufacture of deadly weapons of mass destruction cannot be won by only one state. Therefore, world politics has moved to address such challenges since the magnitude of their losses is enormous and unimaginable to human life. Many of these challenges have been aggravated by the modern technological advancements that have made it so easy for one to execute a terrorist plot from a far location from the site of the crime (Mingst 119).


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For states to implement their agenda and policies, they seek foreign aid and engage in extensive multilateral collaboration and cooperation (McGrew & Lewis 88). The constituent agencies increasingly interact with their counterparts abroad, international agencies, and other non-governmental organizations in the management of global affairs. Thus, the modern systems of communication have made it possible for consultations all across the globe before making decisions. Therefore, government structures must have the potential the issues of the organizations before they are considered for any such cooperation or funding.

In conclusion, globalization has brought about changes in which we understand politics from the old ways of state centered to the world based issues. McGrew & Lewis observe “this has largely been occasioned by the myriad of challenges posed by the threats brought by enemy groups like terrorists, criminal gangs who engage in money laundering and determination to cause chaos in the world” (115). Globalization has made communication so easy that it only take a few seconds for one to effect a transfer of data. It has also brought together individuals from all parts of the world to an avenue where persons can discuss their issues or any concerning matters to them. Therefore, the greatest advantage is in regards to communication, which has had a significant positive effect on business and fight against threats to security.

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