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The Highlights of 2017’s Telecast

The Highlights of 2017’s Telecast

This year is exactly about good TV shows! The hottest season of the best production of telecast is about to begin. Surely, you have anticipated this very moment with patience and finally, new series of your favorite Games of Thrones and Twin Picks will be on the screen. So, the rest of the year there will be something to have your eyes glued on. That is not the end of the list; Netflix will be releasing a new project every week. Not to lose a chance to watch a brand-new series, we have prepared a kind of itinerary in the World of the on-screen industry for you.

The List of the Best TV Shows of 2017

  • House of Cards (the fifth season, coming up on 30th of May)

A new season of House of Cards is a must see in all the ratings of broadcasting serials of 2017. What will a continuation of a famous political drama bring to its viewers? There is definitely something amazing that Claire and Kevin Underwood have prepared for you. Among the things you will be surprised with are new faces and absolutely unexpected turns of events.

  • Preacher (the second season released on Amazon Primeat the beginning of June)

A transformation of a television show to a season containing 13 episodes might be a sign of a very eager and willing creators’ team. In the coming series, directors develop a further trip of the main hero searching for the God.

  •  Poldark(the third season, presented in June the 3rd )

Ross Poldark, a leading character, is arrested by a mistake. Follow how he is trying to find the way out of the situation and deals with a shipwreck.

  • The Leftovers (the third season coming on TBC and Sky Atlantic)

The Leftovers is an unimaginable drama telling about the mystifying events when almost 2% of the population on the Planet disappears. Metacritic advises everybody not even to try to leave the season out and definitely watch it.

  • The Defenders (the first season will be aired in Autumn onTBC and Netflix)

If you have enjoyed watching Marvel, this serial is, without doubt, something for you. New York City is overflowed with wicked and evil forces. Watch Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Daredevil defending the metropolitan city.

  • The Punisher (the series will be presented till the end of 2017 on Netflix)

You may know that this very show is dedicated to the beloved hero of the audience, Frank Castle. What a great delight to see the star of The Walking Dead here?

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The list presents the coming television shows which will wonder you with their storylines, intrigues, and perfect acting of the cast of characters. From the first moments, producers intend to fascinate you and catch your attention till the very moment the next seasons come. There is something millions of people are waiting for. So, when the preferred show is on air, make a family or friends meeting and devote an evening to enjoy the shows.

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