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The post 9/11 period has seen a lot of concern over the security of the governing apparatus and its preparedness in the face of potential terrorist attacks (Watts, 2007). Both domestic and international communities have come up with strategies to counter and mitigate terrorist activities even at the cyber level (The White House, 2006). Leaders at various levels of have to be vigilant and react accordingly in the face of terrorist and cyber-attacks (O’Rourke, 2010). This paper takes an in-depth analysis of how various parties in the society should react in the face of impending attacks on various institutions. Shlapentokh and Woods (2003) are of the view that the frequency of terrorist attacks is determined by the country’s foreign policies and the attitudes they generate. The paper presents four different situations where community leaders have to show their prowess in terms of disaster preparedness and management. The four positions under scrutiny are that by a principle at a local preparatory school, by a town mayor, by a county emergency manager, and by a chairman of the county supervisors.
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International terrorist groups have expanded their attacks to include cyber-attacks (McNeal, 2008). There are a number of ways that militia and terrorist groups utilize digital platforms, including jihadist and recruiting websites. Apart from spreading propaganda, the digital platform is utilized by insurgent groups to inspire operatives in the world (Theohary and Rollins, 2011). Countries all over the world have increased their counter terrorism strategies. Britain has implemented strategies such as community policing and partnering with Muslim groups (Klausen, 2007). The US, on the other hand, has increased the use of drone (Sterio, 2012).
Scenario 1
There have been multiple fire outbreaks in 25 schools within the district. Among then affected schools are the Shining Star Elementary School. As the principle of the school, I would first ensure that all people within the institution assemble at a fire assembly point. After that, I would make a call to the district fire department. To minimize the chances of fire spreading further before the arrival of fire brigades, I would assemble a local team of experienced and trained personnel within the institution who know how to utilize fire extinguishers Apart from calling the local fire department, a call would be made to the local police and emergency response departments. The presence of the emergency response team would ensure that any injured .individuals get the right treatment.
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As an emergency manager at the county, I would ensure that staff and students in various schools within the county follow the appropriate procedures in case of a fire outbreak. This can only be achieved through prior training and teaching. Initial training on fire preparedness ensures that the risks associated with the disaster are minimized. As the town mayor, I would ensure that the fire and police departments are able to access all points where fire could possibly occur. In addition to that, I would ensure that the local police and fire brigades are provided with the appropriate equipment and resources to tackle the 25 outbreaks. As the chairman of the county supervisors, it would be upon me to ensure that the different departments coordinate their activities in an effective and appropriate manner. By ensuring cooperation between the fire department, the health department, as well as the county support department, such disasters would be tackled more easily.
Scenario 2
A series of explosions have destroyed the county sheriff offices and the city police stations. As a principal at the local elementary school, there is no role I would play in such a situation. In my capacity as an emergency manager in the county, I would ensure that the rest of the county residents are informed of the attacks and the mitigation measures put in place. In addition to that, I would ensure the community is informed on how to behave in the face of such attacks. I would also seek assistance from the neighboring counties. Such kind of assistance would ensure that the normal policing operations in the county are maintained. As the mayor of the town, I would have no other option but to seek extra help from other towns and agencies. Efforts geared towards compacting terrorism attacks require close cooperation, trust, and teamwork (National Security Strategy, 2010).
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Scenario 3
The Shining Star elementary school has been attacked by armed people who take captive students and teachers. The group demands access to the media. On the other hand, the national press demands that it be allowed access to the school. As the principal of the school, I would not be able to grant access as the situation would have culminated into a national security matter (U.S. NRC, 2013). As the county emergency manager, I would advise the national media and others in charge against demanding access into the institution as this would likely jeopardize the security operation. As the mayor of the town, I would inform the national media on the situation on the ground, while at the same time supporting the measures presented by the county emergency manager. As the mayor, I would support the decision to bar the national media from accessing the institution. Instead of accessing the institution when tension is still high, I would advise the national press to come when the threat has been neutralized. As the chairman of the county supervisors, I would be of the same views. National broadcasting about the events on the ground may jeopardize the operation.
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