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A Report on God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

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God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater is a book written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, and published in 1965. Mr. Vonnegut talks about Eliot Rosewater, a President of philanthropic Rosewater Foundation. The Rosewater Foundation was founded by Lister Ames Rosewater, a senator of United States of America from Indiana. The goal to launch a venture was to assist his offsprings at evading taxes on their family owned estate, located in Rosewater County, Indiana. Norman Mushari is one of the lawyers in the family and is making effort to have Eliot Rosewater declared crazy with the aim of achieving part of Rosewater shares and transferring to a relative a distant cousin living in Rhode Island and has no idea of the deal.

The author explains in detail the beginning of Mr. Rosewater life in the company. The protagonist investigates philanthropic activities and arrives to American. While in America, Mr. Rosewater visits small towns and eventually settles in Rosewater, opens a shop, and volunteers as a firefighter in various cities around the United States..

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As time passes Mr. Rosewater loses control and becomes alcohol addicted. The drunkenness accompanied by his affair with the French wife that was strange and his relationship with the poor people in Rosewater that showed a sense of generosity facilitated his appearance of insanity. Norman Mushari works hard to prove the insanity of Eliot in order to gain from the unlawful act.

Mr. Vonnegut comprehensively explains how the society expects in that, it anticipates that the philanthropy to give help to the unfortunate in the area. The objective of Eliot was similar to the expectation of the society. Norman Mushari the family lawyer is going contrary to the expectation of the society. It affects his life in that he tries to remove the barrier towards achievement of his goal in that case Eliot acts as a barrier. His goal to connive to get some share in the organization is affecting the life of Eliot because he is accused of not having the right state of mind. Eliot, being with a good heart as it is elucidated in the book, he showed generosity to the poor people and it expresses the sense of kindness and giving help to the needy is one of his values. Norman Mushari, illuminated his greediness and the love of money that made him organize selfish acts thus displaying his values. Eliot is motivated by his kindness to help the poor in the society and on the contrary, Norman Mushari is motivated by his greed towards scheming to prove the insanity of Eliot. The history of Eliot of volunteering as a firefighter elucidates a helping heart that shapes his motivation toward supporting the poor. Norman Mushari, being a lawyer, is motivated by his carrier to prove the insanity of Eliot thus achieving his goal. Eliot and Norman Mushari achieved their goal by persistently working towards it. Tension is created in that when the behavior of Eliot starts to change and he started to behave like he was crazy, he looked as if he will not be able to take care of his possessions anymore. Tension is also evident in the book in that when Norman Mushari was trying to prove the insanity of Eliot. The book enlightens that Norman Mushari efforts did not bear fruits and did not manage to rob the company from Eliot. The book explicates also how the efforts made by Eliot bore fruits and he was able to continue giving aid to the poor. Detailed information is given by the book that, despite the resistance Eliot gets from Norman Mushari, he continued helping the poor.


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In conclusion, the writer informs the readers not to look back while helping others, no matter the challenges. The author has achieved his goal by explaining clearly how Eliot succeeded. Mr. Vonnegut describes a society where some people work hard towards assisting the weak in the society, whereas the others pull them back and that is a society evident in the present world. The society ought to work together to help unfortunate.

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