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Category: Justice

Carroll vs. the United States

Introduction to the Case The Supreme Court case of Carroll vs. the United States is the case number, 267 US 132. This case was argued in court on December 4th, 1923. It was later restored to court fo...

Australian Federal Police Corporate Plan 2015-2019

1. Any organization should have some core values that would govern all its activities and actions as well as be an integral part of the corporate culture of this organization. However, these values be...

The Drugged Promotion

A few years back, the city of N.Y. was struggling with drug abuse problems. It was one of the cities in the United States that recorded high rates in drug use, drug dependence, drug-induced deaths, no...

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Twelve years ago, the American Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in order to protect thousands of investors from the possible fraudulent accounting activities conducted by corporations. The stric...

Women’s Work in the UAE

Introduction Women in the UAE have recently benefited from enacted laws that protect them against the flourishing traditions in the country. Notably, the region has recently experienced a rise of the ...

The Issue of Probation Officer Arming

Introduction The issue of the weapon carried by officers of probation department is very serious. Consideration of this issue is especially important in cases of interaction with inmates on probation....
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