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Category: Exploratory

Communications and Media

Popularity refers to the quality of something being enjoyed, liked, and accepted by a large part of the population. There are a number of factors that contribute to the popularity of something. Althou...

Personal Happiness and the Happiness of Others

Human happiness is one of the greatest mysteries of mankind. Everyone strives to be happy, and if it is impossible, they either convince themselves and others that they are happy or believe that there...

Internet Job Seeking

In modern times, the use of the internet for job seeking has become a norm as a result of its efficiency. For this coursework, I visited LinkedIn and Yahoo search engine sites since they are mostly ut...

The Causes for the Mexican War

The Mexican-American war was caused by three main factors namely manifest destiny, Texas crisis that incorporated slavery, and the westward American expansion. The primary reason for the Mexican-Ameri...

Human Rights: The Past, Present & Future

The field of human rights has continually grown in scope since its inception after the World War II. Whereas primordial roles of the United Nations and other international organizations have never bee...


In everyday life of people, relationships are extremely valuable. In this essay, I will use my own example to list the three most influential factors I considered when forming relationships. Importan...

Human Cloning

A famous American couple was involved in a grisly road accident in the evening of the wedding day. After the wedding ceremony, the couple was going to Singapore for their honeymoon. However, as a fate...

Restriction of Free Speech on the Internet

Internet censorship is a hot topic which has in the past few years garnered much of public attention. This act of controlling and suppressing access to information on the web has generated a heated pu...

The Impact of Divorce on Preschool, School Age & Adolescent Children

The term attachment has been defined as an emotional connectedness between people. The attachment theory was developed by psychologist John Bowlby in 1969. He argued that when children form early bond...


In nowadays world pollution occupies one of the first and the most pivotal places among the global problems. Pollution is a process of discharging of pollutants into the atmosphere that causes diverge...

Figurative Language

Figurative language serves as a method of description of the world from the other point of view. It is usually used in literary texts and in poetries. The main aim is to show the new acceptation of th...

The Problem of Bullying

Nowadays more and more educators and parents around the world are very concerned with a problem which is getting more and more widespread among teenagers. This severe concern is about bullying –...
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