In modern times, the use of the internet for job seeking has become a norm as a result of its efficiency. For this coursework, I visited LinkedIn and Yahoo search engine sites since they are mostly utilized by job seekers. In terms of comparison, the two search engines are similar, because they offer a variety of recent job postings for job seekers. However, the two sites are different in the way they are configured to search for jobs. For instance, in Yahoo, a job seeker just needs to go to the search button and type in the category of a job for the website to search. However, in LinkedIn, a job seeker has to sign for an account and become a member. Thereafter, a job seeker can interact with friends and get information on job openings.
The advantage of using Yahoo is that it is a global website, and many organizations use it to post their vacancies. Therefore, job seekers have the opportunity to apply for jobs in various categories. However, the disadvantage of Yahoo is that it is “too general”, and it may be difficult for job seekers may to find the job that suits their interests. The advantage of using LinkedIn is that job seekers have a network of friends who can easily link them to a job opening. However, the disadvantage of LinkedIn is that if a job seeker is not well networked, the chances of finding a job online will significantly reduce (Reynolds & Weiner, 2009).
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As a potential user, I would choose LinkedIn search engine over Yahoo. This is because LinkedIn is more customized and consists of a group of professionals networking together. As opposed to Yahoo, a job seeker is more likely to get connected to a professional job through LinkedIn. Furthermore, people who use it are professionals and discuss work-related issues.
The legal concerns with internet recruiting for employers include screening of applicants, cross checking of information, and legally abiding to recruitment rules. For instance, employers face the challenge of screening employees to understand their background before recruiting them. Since the search engines are easily accessible by job seekers from anywhere, employers have the legal challenge of authenticating applicants (Reynolds & Weiner, 2009). Therefore, internet recruiting presents various challenges to employers.
The bible scripture that supports the issue of job seeking is Romans 12:12 says, “Be joyful in hope, faithful in prayer and patient in affliction.” In relation to online job searching, this scripture encourages job seekers not to despair, but keep trying until thety find the right job.
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