Table of Contents
- Rationale for the Strategem Used to Collect the Outcome Data
- Buy Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Section G: Evaluation of Process essay paper online
- Ways in Which the Outcome Measures Evaluate the Extent to Which the Project Objectives Are Achieved
- Strategies to Employ if Outcomes Fail to Provide Positive Results
- Implications of the Proposed Intervention to Practice and Future Research
- Impact on the Practice
- Impact On the Future Research
- Conclusion
- Related Free Nursing Essays
Regular body exercise is essential to attain a healthy functioning heart (Godman, 2014). This is the primary reason why the implementation of a thirty-minute exercise regimen should be adopted by persons aged fifty and above. This essay describes the reasons for selecting methods for collecting the outcome data and how the outcome parameters appraise the level of accomplishment of the project objectives. The essay also offers a description of evidence-based measurement and evaluation of the outcomes and outlines strategies to take if outcomes demonstrate negative results. The essay also provides a description of the implications of the thirty-minute exercise regimen for practice and future research.
Rationale for the Strategem Used to Collect the Outcome Data
In the solution implementation stage, the data from the participants will be collected using the questionnaire instrument. There are several reasons why this methodology was rated best as a data collection tool in the above-mentioned stage. First, the data collected using a questionnaire is relatively easy to analyze. This will ensure that there is a timely attainment of results during the exercise since a questionnaire facilitates a timely analysis of the acquired research data (Benfield & Szlemko, 2006). Secondly, the questionnaire instrument is relatively easy to understand, and it is also familiar to numerous persons. This will ensure that the study participants will feel comfortable about answering all the featured questions that are relevant to the research.
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Thirdly, a questionnaire is simple to administer during a research exercise. In the solution implementation stage, this will immensely ease the process of data collection. Moreover, it can be offered to a large population of research participants during the same period (Milne, 2016). This enables a person to gather sufficient data from a target population to be used for research. In addition, the data collected using a questionnaire can be analyzed more objectively and scientifically than data gathered using other techniques. This will immensely aid validating the data collected from the research participants. Ultimately, the use of a questionnaire will be an inexpensive methodology especially since the research participants will be from a large geographical region.
Ways in Which the Outcome Measures Evaluate the Extent to Which the Project Objectives Are Achieved
The outcome of the solution implementation project will be measured by evaluating the effectiveness of the results attained by the participants after the solution implementation process has been executed. The validity of the solution will be supported by the reduced clinical-checkups for heart conditions recorded by the patients after the solution has been implemented. This will validate that the thirty minute daily exercise regimen is capable of reducing the probability of suffering from a heart attack in persons aged fifty and above. .
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The reliability of the proposed solution will be ascertained by analyzing the reduced number of heart attacks and other heart complications recorded among the participants of the study. This will be done during the first six months after the intervention implementation period started. The positive results attained in this period will support the applicability of the solution as an evidenced intervention that is applicable to the nursing practice. This will facilitate the treatment and prevention in persons aged fifty and above suffering from a heart attack.
Strategies to Employ if Outcomes Fail to Provide Positive Results
There will be several strategies that will be used in the event the outcomes of the proposed intervention fail to yield positive results. First, the implementation of the proposed solution will be performed by using a different group of participants aged fifty years and above. The participants will not necessarily have a past clinical history of suffering from heart attacks or other heart complications. In addition, they will be taken from different States in the U.S. to represent a heterogeneous sample population. In addition, an equal number of both men and women will be selected to represent the chosen participants.
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If the results attained from this solution implementation process are still negative, the second strategy will be employed: the participants chosen in the exercise will be persons aged fifty and above but with a past clinical history of heart attacks and other heart-related complications. This group of participants will be subjected to the same proposed solution within a similar solution implementation period. The reliability, validity, and applicability of the proposed intervention will be determined by the ability of the solution to reduce the number of clinical checkups taken by the participants is in relation to heart attack and other heart-related complications.
Implications of the Proposed Intervention to Practice and Future Research
Impact on the Practice
The success of the proposed solution will have a great impact on the nursing profession in the United States, which is in reducing the mortality rate of heart-related complications among men and women. In the United States, one out of every three persons suffers from cardiovascular diseases (Harvard Medical School, 2009). In 2008, six hundred and sixteen thousand persons in the United States died from heart diseases (Cardio Smart, 2016). It was ascertained to be the leading cause of deaths in the United States. The coronary heart disease can cause heart attacks. In 2008, four hundred and five thousand, three hundred and nine persons died as a result of the coronary heart disease (Cardio Smart, 2016).
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In addition, the success of the proposed solution will reduce the funds used in treating and preventing the cardiovascular complications annually in the United States. In 2010, the coronary heart disease, which is a risk factor for heart attack, cost the U.S. government approximately one hundred and eight point nine billion dollars (Cardio Smart, 2016). Such costs were incurred through the cost of health care services, expenses on lost productivity as well as the value of medications used (Cardio Smart, 2016). Since then, the cost of treating the heart complications has been increasing each year tremendously. The implementation of the proposed solution will help reduce the money used by the healthcare sector in treating such conditions. Moreover, the funds will allow treating and preventing other major illnesses affecting persons in the United States.
Impact On the Future Research
The success of the proposed solution will change the focus of the nursing profession in relation to cardiovascular complications. This is in focusing on the contemporary medicine as a treatment for heart attacks to the adoption of regular body exercise as a proven clinical practice for preventing heart attacks. A special focus will be performed on the research of improved exercise regimens that can be employed in preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular complications among persons of different ages in the U.S. and other parts of the world.
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In summary, the heart attack among persons aged fifty and above can be prevented by using a thirty-minute daily exercise regimen. Exercise facilitates a healthy flow of blood from the heart to other regions of the body via the blood vessels. Using the exercise regimen as a proposed solution for the heart attack problem will greatly reduce the high mortality rate among persons suffering from cardiovascular conditions in the United States. It will impact the nursing profession by changing its focus from developing contemporary drugs to treat cardiovascular diseases to using regular exercise regimens to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks.
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