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Category: Nursing

Graduate Registered Nurses’ Perception on Preparation to Handle Challenges of Health Care System in Australia

Introduction Graduate registered nurses are becoming an important part in the health care system in Australia and elsewhere around the world. Their effectiveness to provide the health care services a...

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Section G: Evaluation of Process

Regular body exercise is essential to attain a healthy functioning heart (Godman, 2014). This is the primary reason why the implementation of a thirty-minute exercise regimen should be adopted by pers...

Nursing Shortage in the Healthcare

Introduction The selected article is “Nursing Shortage: Not a Simple Problem-No Easy Answers” by Cheryl Peterson published in The Online Journal of Nursing Issues, A Scholarly Journal of the Amer...

Case Study

The life of a person is just a span, and everyone wants to live as long and happy as it is possible. None of self-respecting and educated people would recognize murder as allowed or consider it a ‘m...

The Role of the Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Initiative on the Future of Nursing

Without a doubt, the role of the Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Initiative on the Future of Nursing is highly important as it provides a solid basis for the contemporary discourse. In the contex...
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