Organization operates on its standard cultural settings that act as the roadmap to daily engagements. Employee engagement is vital in the realization of an organization’s objectives. Managers prefer putting up measures that define an entity’s culture, and ensure that employees are fully engaged. The paper thus explores the meaning of engaged organization cultures and how they contribute to the organization.
Engagement is the arrangement of someone by himself or by another person to do something at a fixed time. It enables a person to be in a good condition to do his or her best and commit to a task every day. Engagement makes a person wake up with a certain mindset and ideas on how to tackle certain issues amicably. Besides, he/she anticipates how to do the task through team work to get the best results. Employee engagement occurs when one understands his/her duties in the organization (Rice, Christopher, and Fraser 54). Furthermore, the person knows how his/her effort will help the organization in realizing its goals and objectives. An organization that highly engages its employees involves them in providing ideas and views on how to tackle their tasks in a better way. The decision aims at making them realize their objectives adequately. A person’s engagement in an organization involves him or her to be fully included as a member of the team. Additionally, the organization considers an individual in decision-making on principle matters. Apparently, engaged employees concentrate on the future progress of the company and its success.
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According to the Gallup Management Journal of the US, twenty-nine percent of employees are actively engaged in their jobs whereas fifty four percent are not. Only seventeen percent are totally disengaged and try to tarnish the employees who are committed to their work. Such scenario shows that there is a crisis in the level of engagement of personnel in organizations. However, the management can still improve the employees’ engagement through the following measures. The leaders should connect with the employees to boost their relationship through profit sharing and increased transparency. They should also provide opportunities for career advancement and give the challenging task to them to allow room for innovations. Additionally, the organization should be clear to the workers on the goals they want to achieve and the role of employer and employee in realizing them (Csejk and Eve 79). Leaders should have a clearly defined step that will help the employees to know their task and reward appropriately. Finally, employees should collaborate and work as a team to achieve a certain task effectively and efficiently. The process is opposed to working individually, which makes some employees to have control over the tasks of the organization.
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When all the aforementioned factors are put into consideration, the engagement will improve and have several benefits. It will advance the level of productivity of the employees, and increase the performance as the level of absenteeism and de-motivation reduces. The workers will be satisfied with their work and working environment hence increasing their levels of commitment. Consequently, it leads to innovation and creativity in the organization as the employees share their ideas with the top management. Such actions lead to the increased profitability of the organization as they are all geared towards the improvement of the company. Workers, who are mostly engaged in their tasks, focus their physical and emotional efforts on pursuance of their goals. Employees, who are engaged in their work fully, commit themselves to the task at hand in the workplace better than those who do not. They work extra hard to ensure that their organization performs its tasks adequately.
Culture is a pattern of communication that is both explicit and implicit. It is a behavior people acquire and transmit to different generations (Murphy 81). It represents the way in which a given group lives and behaves. However, organizations interpret culture as a set of values and behaviors in an entity that remain the environment unique within its social paradigms.
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In a company, culture involves both external and internal interactions with the society. It has values and philosophies that hold people together in pursuant of a common objective. New organizational members learn the appropriate actions or patterns of behavior. Culture shows what differentiates one company from another. Some of these aspects encompass the company’s internal laws and policies (Murphy,81). They may also include its relationship and interaction with the public and customers. Furthermore, company’s culture influences the daily activities of the employees and the way the society perceives the organization. There are two types of organizational culture namely, a strong organizational culture, where the employees adhere to the organization’s policies, and a weak organizational culture, where the workers do their duties out of fear from the superior and compulsion from their bosses. Organizational culture reflects the way the employees relate with each other during work. In addition, it facilitates a healthy competition among the employees, and brings the employees, who originate from different backgrounds, to a common platform thus promoting the image of the company in the society as a whole. However, there are factors that affect the culture of an organization, such as gender, the type of business, and the way the management handles the employees. Organizational culture depicts its image.
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According to a recent survey by Delloite University press, a small percentage (7%) of the companies has a good engagement program with their employees (Murphy 85). Only 12% have the desired culture for the employees. The problem has emerged due to the culture of social media through the Facebook and Google links. Currently, people find it easier to know about a company’s culture and its job opportunities. The phenomenon increases the engagement of the employers with their workers. Since the job market is heated up, the power shifts from the bosses to the workers.
Culture and engagement are representing a well-known topic in an organization, which proves a necessary practice that every leader should conduct within his or her organization. Over the time, it has been established that the employees’ engagements lead to increased recruitment of staff and work delivery. It also ensures low employee turnover and increased profit margin of a company.
In recent times, the employees work for long hours through mobile and computer devices. Workers from different organizations are brought together at a high rate thus promote flexibility, empowerment, and increased mobility. Hence, it clearly defines companies’ cultures.
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Communication is an important of organizational culture. When an employee expresses his or her opinion, he or she feels comfortable and safe thus minimizing the chances of feeling resentment and letting it out on other colleagues. Such an approach encourages open communication among the staffs, and facilitates participatory engagement in dealing with the organization’s activities.
In conclusion, even though culture and engagement contribute significantly to the good performance of an organization, most companies measure their performance poorly. In order to improve the engagement and culture within an organization to promote the betterment of a company, most entities have set aside a lot of costs to carry out engagement survey annually. The costs also help in measuring a few cultures to determine whether they are strong, weak, or inconsistent. It remains apparent that organizations need to ensure that employees are fully engaged if they are to meet their set objectives.
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