All over the world, the increased use of social networking sites like Twitter, MySpace and Facebook have become a significant component of people’s lives. Facebook has become a way of life for people since almost every person on the planet is connected to this social networking site. Facebook has particularly been viewed as the world’s most popular SNS, due to its ability of enhancing communication and connections between friends (Harvell 48). Besides, Facebook has also become an effective marketing tool for entrepreneurs to sell their merchandise.
However, Facebook users, and especially students continuously face the risk of being stalked, procrastination and other privacy related issues. In spite of these challenges, the use of Facebook has kept on gaining popularity among the student community due to its unlimited benefits. This essay explores how the use of Facebook has changed the life of its users, and revolutionized the aspect of communication.
Thesis Statement: Facebook promotes social capital, which brings positive social outcomes to its users such as enhancing economic stability. It also fosters better public health by bringing happiness and influencing a positive outlook. The use of Facebook also creates social awareness and promotes corporate social responsibility.
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Originally, Facebook was designed by the Harvard sophomore student, following his inspiration by a previous local website he had developed at Harvard University. The site enabled students to know what programs others were taking at the campus, share pictures on the website, and even vote online to decide whose picture looked the best (Sutherland 79).
Since it was launched in February 2004 by its founder Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook has become a social platform, which enables people to communicate and stay in touch all over the world. It has become a tool of self expression because the users are able to update their status as part of the democratic process (Wittkower 1). Facebook allows users to be exposed and meet new, new ideas, new opinions, news and current events. It also provides its users with a platform to sell their merchandise. Besides, people are given the liberty to access personal information, photos of families and friends, and a chance to make new acquaintances outside of the user’s circle of friends.
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As a result, people end up learning and gaining new information that may result in self-rewarding benefits such as employment connections (Ellison et al 1). Moreover, recent studies have shown that accessing Facebook promotes different forms of social capital. This includes forming social bonds with friends and neighbors, which in turn promotes psychological well-being of a person that builds self esteem and achieves satisfaction in life (Ellison et al 1). In addition, Facebook enhances a person’s reflection and understanding of society, thus contributing to a better neighborhood and community at large (Wittkower 2)
Facebook has interactive features, which allows its users to connect via laptops, personal computers and mobile phones by simply installing the Facebook application. Facebook enables family members and relatives located in various parts of the world to view each other’s photos. They are able to update their status, work life experiences and personal celebrations, hence making it easy for others to know their welfare. The social platform is regarded as an efficient communication tool through which people can exchange ideas. Users of Facebook can also entertain themselves by accessing the interactive games found on the website.
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The use of Facebook has been linked to better public health among its users. It enhances and brings about happiness and creates a positive outlook among its users. Unlike other social platforms, Facebook has been known to be extremely addictive, and it has uplifted the overall well-being and lifestyle of its users. Similarly, business people have used the Facebook platform to market their goods and services. This is mainly done through posting photos and writing editorials of their merchandise on Facebook, thereby reaching millions of prospective clients within an exceptionally short time.
In conclusion, Facebook as a social networking site has proved that the internet has the potential to enhance economic stability, create social awareness and encourage corporate responsibility. The use of technology brings about instant connectivity to people all over the globe using gadgets such as mobile phones, tablet phones, computers and Laptops. As a result of its distinctive features, Facebook has become extremely appealing to millions of users in the world. As a communication innovation, Facebook relies on the expansive community whose connection and sharing it fosters. The Facebook community is continuously evolving, with the public participating actively in shaping its character through developing its content by language and symbols that characterize its operations (Sutherland, 125)
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