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The following discussion is dedicated to the analysis of Greenpeace Organization, which performs in order to preserve the natural heritage. Group work helped to organize the collection of information in a flexible manner. It contributed to the in-depth analysis of the topic and revealed the latest information regarding the performance of Greenpeace. The following sections reflect the results of the research, which took much time to collect relevant information and organize it in a logical way. In particular, the paper reflects the company’s profile, organizational goals and mission, core values and ethics, corporate social responsibility, policy, and communication with the public.
Company’s Profile
Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization, which consists of the activists working on the improvement of environmental conditions by attracting attention of the humanity to the global problems. The organization was established in 1971 (Ostopowich, 2003). It originates from Canada, where the movement of the environmental activists has started. The organization is famous for its direct actions and an ability to increase the knowledge of the society regarding not only local, but also global problems. The organization focuses on the worldwide issues, which tend to destroy natural balance because of harmful human activities. Nevertheless, Greenpeace was banned several times and aroused much criticism from the side of society in such cases as its attempts to destroy a plot with GMO wheat and other activities, which continue to raise doubts across the nations around the world. However, Greenpeace remains the world’s largest environmental organization, which has offices in more than 50 countries (Ostopowich, 2003). In addition, Greenpeace has an international office in Amsterdam, which helps to regulate the activity of other offices across the world. Greenpeace receives funding from investors and foundations willing to help the world handle the difficulties of the environmental change. The government, political parties, or countries cannot provide Greenpeace with financial support. Greenpeace does not give a preference to any specific nation, political party, or other social units. The organization does not recognize funding from other organizations supported by political or governmental facilities. In this way, Greenpeace continues to perform according to the interests of the non-government organizations willing to participate in the development of environmentally friendly events. In order to understand the organization’s activity with its services, it is necessary to consider its performance in the light of the environmental issues.
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First, Greenpeace performs in order to support the use of the wind and solar energy. It means that the organization suggests refusing to use harmful substances and various sources of energy, which lead to the pollution of the environment. Only 2 % of the world’s energy come from the wind and sun, which means that the world still has a long way to go in order to realize the importance of changing the sources of energy. Greenpeace performs to monitor the mentioned issue and other challenges of the environment. The company’s activity spreads all over the nations in order to register environmentally unethical behavior of individuals or companies.
Further, it is necessary to mention that Greenpeace also dedicates its performance to saving the whales. Killing whales is one of the most significant problems of the humanity, which can lead to the extinction of whales (Garrigue, Clapham, Geyer, Kennedy, & Zerbini, 2015). The organization tries to raise the awareness of the world and stop people from whaling, which not only leads to the extinction of these animals, but also leads to the destruction of the natural balance (Morell, 2015). It is just a single example of the Greenpeace activities, which aim at saving the surrounding environment with its natural balance for the future generations.
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Another example of the organization’s activities focuses on the reduction of deforestation in the light of global climate change. The organization is aware of the problems faced by the humanity, which leads to the increase of harmful emissions including carbon dioxide. It is the problem, which comes from mindless deforestation and mindless usage of the sources of energy, which pollute the environment and lead to global warming.
Today, Greenpeace successfully continues its performance in order to ensure its positive influence on the development of the world’s environmentally friendly habits. The organization believes that it is impossible to remain inactive in the times of the world’s problematic environmental status. The focus of the organization’s performance touches upon the most difficult problems, which the society cannot address because of inattention. Due to this idea, it is possible to see the benefits of the performance of Greenpeace and its impact on the development of the sustainable environment. Without Greenpeace, it would be difficult to know about the problems faced by nature in the light of harmful human activities.
Organization’s Mission and Goals
Greenpeace pursues a respectable mission, which deserves a special attention before consideration of the company’s goals. According to the official website of the organization (Greenpeace USA, n.d.), “Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future”. From this point of view, Greenpeace emphasizes its concept of the performance, which leads it towards the improvement of the surrounding world with its biodiversity and environmental changes. In terms of the international performance of the organization, it is also possible to generate mission, which is evedent from the official website. It claims that Greenpeace performs in an independent way by using non-violent and creative confrontation that helps to expose the world’s environmental problems in order to raise social awareness and to force the solutions, which can positively change the environmental conditions and the status of global problems (Greenpeace USA, n.d.). From the mission statements mentioned above, it is possible to discuss a myriad of goals Greenpeace is trying to realize. This helps the company to achieve its objectives and perform its initial missions.
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The following list represents the primary directions of goals pursued by the organization, which represent significant meaning to the social sustainability and welfare:
1) Changing climate. Global warming and its consequences are at the top of the list of the Greenpeace performance. The organization struggles to help the world handle the rapid growth of temperature, which continues to have a negative influence on the climatic conditions in every region of the world. Alternative energy distribution is the primary goal of Greenpeace willing to prove the world that it is possible to refuse using harmful sources of energy. Solar power, wind power, and biofuels are the natural resources of energy, which do not have such popularity as the common ones. However, nobody realizes the potential benefits of natural sources of energy, which can help to maximize the positive impact on the nature and to fulfill human needs. From this point of view, Greenpeace suggests the governments adding carbon dioxide taxes and carbon trading, which can discourage citizens from using dangerous sources of energy.
2) Protecting oceans. Greenpeace also focuses on the protection of biodiversity in oceans. One of the goals of the organization is to become an ultimate defender of the ocean suffering from the abusive behavior of the humanity, which not only pollutes the waters of the ocean, but also threatens its biodiversity (Activist Facts, n.d.). In particular, Greenpeace aims to stop abusive fishing practices, which do not allow the ocean to restore the natural balance of animals.
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3) Saving forests. It is another goal of Greenpeace, which forms the performance of the organization. It is another problem of the world, which leads to the loss of biodiversity because of aggressive deforestation. Many species of animals lose their habitat and cannot survive in terms of globalization spread by the humanity. Greenpeace performs in order to ensure that no animal needs to accommodate in new areas caused by human activities.
4) Keeping natural ingredients in products. Greenpeace performs in order to support the spread of organic products and reduction of toxic chemical elements in the manufacturing process of the contemporary products (Activist Facts, n.d.). The organization fights in order to provide every human with healthy food and non-toxic stuff.
5) Stimulating peace and disarmament. Greenpeace is one of the organizations, which strives to support peace in the whole world by the reduction of nuclear weapons. The organization aims to spread the idea that living in peace will benefit every nation (Activist Facts, n.d.). In general, the organization’s goal is to stop wars and encourage the humanity to live in peace with the diversity of nations, cultures, and ethnic groups.
Organization’s Core Values and Ethics
Greenpeace is popular not only for its goals and for courageous attempts to combat the world’s unfriendly environmental habits. Greenpeace has a unique set of core values, which push it towards excellence in the improvement of the surrounding world. First, the organization claims that it bears witness in non-violent ways, which are not aiming to harm anyone in the fight for sustainable environmental performance. Greenpeace values the opposition to various phenomena of the surrounding world, which leads to the negative consequences in the development of nature. This organization continues to spread peace and fairness in its actions, which helps to raise the awareness of the humanity and understand the mistakes of the daily activity.
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Another aspect of the performance of Greenpeace refers to non-violence as its core value, which helps to raise the non-violent action in the development of peaceful debates regarding environmental issues. Greenpeace respects the performance of every individual and business entity, which means that the organization understands that the world needs to take time before changing its behavioral patterns regarding environmental sustainability. The organization explains that there is no need to kill whales in order to reach new goals in the development of the humanity or dump wastes in the rivers in order to ensure that the humanity reached the new level of evolution (Garrigue, Clapham, Geyer, Kennedy, & Zerbini, 2015). Greenpeace finds it necessary to explain that nature will fight back as soon as it becomes overwhelmed with abusive behavior of the human population.
Further, it is necessary to mention that Greenpeace also values independence. It means that the organization continues to pursue its dependence from any governmental and political organizations, which are willing to interfere in the performance of Greenpeace. The organization believes that environmentally oriented performance should be nourished by individual investments. From this point of view, Greenpeace calls mighty investors to action, which increases the knowledge of the humanity on the environmental issues.
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Greenpeace also does not have any permanent allies, which could burden its name and image in the light of independence. Greenpeace performs in temporary terms with governments and companies willing to have their input in finding the solution to the environmental problems. As soon as the organization helps to find the solution, it continues its performance in another area, which requires much attention and efforts. Greenpeace also values actions, which help to change the surrounding world for better. It does not pay attention to words, which do not find its reflection in human activity. It is the core value of the organization’s activity leading it to the energized ways of solving the problems.
Promoting solutions is another core value of Greenpeace, which helps to find the most effective solutions with the help of the global community. Greenpeace promotes open debate regarding the myriad of environmental choices of the society. In this way, the organization enhances an overall engagement of the society in the research of the appropriate solutions. Global brainstorming helps the world to focus on the problematic issues and develop new ideas towards their reduction. Greenpeace supports the idea that if the organization does not perform in order to manage the environmental problems, it works in order to eliminate the issues bothering the nature (Greenpeace USA, n.d.). In the light of this core value, the organization informs the target audience that it performs in order to increase the chances of safe and peaceful environment in the nearest future. In general, the organization’s official website clearly depicts the performance on the international basis. It explains the organization’s efforts taken towards the elimination of the widespread environmental issues, which involve every nation and every community. The principle of the performance of Greenpeace is that it does not pursue violence in the achievement of its goals. In terms of ethical performance and core values, the organization recognizes the importance of spreading peace through its decisions. In general, the ethical aspect of the organizational performance has a direct connection to the core values and goals of the Greenpeace activities.
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Read morePolicy on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The official website of Greenpeace provides the target audience with valuable information on the annual reports of corporate social responsibility. It is interesting to mention that the organization keeps the reports dating from 1994 (Ostopowich, 2003). Every report has an overview of the organizational commitment to the objectives and the directions of its performance. Greenpeace does not find it difficult to keep the target audience aware of the results of its performance, which leads to the environmental improvement. The organization believes that it is responsible for the reflection of the realistic facts of its performance in the annual reports, which show that the activity of the organization is useful in terms of interests of the whole humanity. In order to see the results of the performance of Greenpeace and to consider its influence, it is possible to examine the results of CSR reports from the last decade.
In 2006, Greenpeace indicated that it did everything to prepare for the tough years to come. The report reflected the actual results of both human activity and Greenpeace performance. Moreover, the report proved that Greenpeace adheres to its principles, goals, and core values, which regulate the organizational commitment to the needs of the society. In addition, the organization successfully reflected its independence from government and political parties, which could influence the direction of its performance.
In 2007, the report mentioned that the organization continued to take action towards the reduction of the main environmental issues. Greenpeace mentioned that the number of activists continued to grow, which meant that the awareness of the community became the source of changes. The organization claimed that its further development would focus on active engagement of others in the reduction of environmental problems. Greenpeace also mentioned one of the primary principles of its policy, which aims at justification of the solutions by an outstanding desire of the organization to set out a clear vision of peaceful future.
In 2008, Greenpeace worked on the reflection of both new and old threats to climate change. In addition, the organization successfully reflected the variety of solutions and opportunities in the search for appropriate decisions. In particular, Greenpeace showed the importance of the revolution in energy usage, which became an appropriate option for replacing fossil fuels. The report also reflected paying attention to the rising threat of deforestation in the Amazonia, Congo, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. The report became another proof that Greenpeace not only speaks about its plans but acts as well.
In 2009, Greenpeace informed the target audience about the UN Conference in Copenhagen, which reflected the catastrophic influence of human activities on the climate change. In fact, the organization used the report in order to raise the awareness of the recent changes in the environment, which required immediate actions of both activists and volunteers. Greenpeace emphasized that it is important to encourage civil society to take actions and change the behavioral patterns in order to help nature save its resources.
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Starting from 2010, Greenpeace has initiated rapid development of the diversity of measures aiming to reach the goals of the organization’s performance. The official website mentions that Greenpeace successfully reinvents itself and contributes to the renewal of its opportunities. In fact, the organization admits that it also had some mistakes in its performance related to foreign currency. However, the organization points out the thought that it only receives more inspiration and encouragement in its activities because of the mistakes. In general, several CSR reports showed that Greenpeace values fairness, trustworthiness, and clarity in the reports, which discuss the organization’s activity. In this way, Greenpeace develops trust in the communication with the target audience willing to see the positive effects of the organization’s performance. Although, the world still has a long way to go in order to hear the messages of Greenpeace and start acting immediately for the sake of the surrounding world.
What Do Organization’s Mission and Values Say about Its Performance?
A thorough analysis of the performance of Greenpeace helped to see the core of the development of one of the most popular contemporary environmentally friendly organizations. The report successfully revealed that there is a need for considering Greenpeace as the core of the optimization of the surrounding world. Without this organization, it would be impossible to think about the negative influence of human activities on the nature. In fact, it is possible to make the following conclusions regarding the company’s mission and values, which reflect the essence of the organization’s performance.
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First, it is worth saying that Greenpeace managed to grow as the organization, which operates worldwide due to the ability of engaging the whole community. Regardless of the organization’s area of its performance, it becomes possible to attract the attention of people willing to help in the research on the appropriate solution to the environmental issues. In addition, Greenpeace pursues not only peace but also equality in the decision-making process. Further, its mission helps the organization to inspire others to reach consensus and harmony in the interaction with nature and its gifts. The organization’s performance is an effective example, which shows contemporary generating side effects of the satisfaction of needs. Moreover, the company’s mission and its performance prove that the world acts carelessly towards its sustainability. Greenpeace managed to achieve the heights of the international performance, which prove that the organization has strong will and persistent character.
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