Nowadays more and more people are eating outside in order to cook dinner at home by themselves. Moreover every day there are more and more people who prefer eating fast food instead of healthy food. Everyone would say that the nation of fast food and its sort of homeland is the United States of America. However what are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food and are there any benefits of it at all?
One does not need to be a researcher or a scientist to say that the only benefit of eating fast food is probably the benefit of saving time, when you can just order already cooked food and not waste your time while cooking in the microwave. Most of the people, especially Americans are busy people, who are living in rush, running all days long from place to place and still having a lot of things to do. From this mentioned information one could make a conclusion that there is just no free time to stay at home cooking. That is why fast food comes in such situation as the solution of it. However people forget that there are a lot of drawbacks in fast food industry. In the United States of America the children obesity, for example, because of fast food is rapidly growing nowadays. That means in future heart and stomach diseases among adult American could became nothing less than just a normal thing, a normal drawback in health. Since fast food became popular and widespread, people did not eat balanced healthy food. Of course one must to admit that fast food is sometimes very delicious, but one knows how they say if it is too good to be true then probably it is not so good in real. From the very childhood many Americans are poisoning themselves with this kind of food. When children organisms really need healthy and nutritious food for growth, parents are allowing them to eat fast food just because they want to and in future such attitude towards this kind of food can cause not only physical, but also mental disorders that are even more dangerous. Of course healthy food would take a lot of time, but it is our life that is on the stake. One more disadvantage and the most important one is that usually fast food companies are very generous with spending their money on advertisement. Everyone knows that fast food contains soya, fat, artificial chemicals, but all these advertisements where one presents to people food that contains so called fresh meat, fresh vegetables and moreover food that looks delicious and is already cooked – that is the main tease and the main trick of this food industry. From the last statistics about obesity in the United States, almost the third part of adult American population is suffering from it. It is the highest rate of obesity among all other nations. Exactly extra weight is the main danger for one’s health. There are facts that people who are suffering from obesity, do not only are suffering from heart diseases too, but also have the lowest rate of life. Moreover the obesity problem is only getting higher in rates which means that people nowadays do not care or do not have time to care about the healthy problems of the whole nation. As the fast food is the invention of modern age and for modern people-in-rush, one can find a fast food restaurant almost at every corner, especially in the United States. People are in rush, calories are wasting and wasting and the best and the fastest way to replenish them is to jump in the fast food restaurants and take your portion of fast poison that is called food there. Moreover it is needed to be mentioned that portions in these kinds of restaurant are really large and that also became one of the reasons of health problems. Of course it is economically beneficial, but it is not beneficial for health. The fat deposits that are the results after eating fast food, can cause problems with blood pressure too. Not so long ago it was mentioned in news that New York’s major wanted to forbid additional portions of unhealthy drinks in the fast food restaurants. This major’s statement was not implemented in life; moreover it caused the protests from American people. They all stated that it is only the choice of everyone whether to harm their health or not. However some programs or some advertisement of healthy life and healthy food should be brought on TV instead. Americans already have many medical centres that are specialized on helping people who are suffering from obesity, but it is still not enough. There should be advertisements of these centres everywhere and not only on television. Moreover the volunteers and workers of these medical centres should make meetings and protests in supporting healthy food at least once in a month. Nowadays all ratings about obesity or the level of heart diseases and deaths from obesity is the highest in the United States and American should think first of all about their health, their life and not money and career.
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Fast food is the great solution invented by Americans in order to save some time, but it is also a great poison for one’s health. Moreover American should also consider that with not a good environment that they have and that cause health problems too, they with their own hands and choices to eat fast food destroying their health and life completely. Although fast food is a large business in the United States and cars became the most common way to get to one’s job, Americans and not only them should not forget that it is better to walk longer, to wake up earlier and to cook some healthy food, then to become fat and always tired person with the addiction of eating fast food.
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