Table of Contents
The nursing students face different work-related challenges providing their regular services. They need to make various dificult decisions that create ethical and moral dilemmas. As a nursing student, I assist people to recover from illnesses. Also I help medical stakeholders to attain the optimum health. Sometimes I need to make different ethical decisions that impact me and my professional life. Often, in complex medical situations, I need to meet the demands of medical stakeholders that may affect or violate my personal ethical values. The following paper examines a major change in my life and its different stages. Also it explains how these factors could have been used to make the change easier or smoother.
The Major Issue
Nurses face various professional and legal issues in different health care services. Often they need to make critical decisions in the hospital environment. In the past, I took part in complex medical cases that changed my decision-making process. For instance, I met patients that wanted to make an abortion. Sometimes some families force the nursing team to perform such procedures. However, as a nursing student, I suffered from psychological stress and trauma due to participation in abortion process. From my childhood, I like to help people who suffer from different physical and mental issues. I am a religious person, and I like to take care of little babies and children. On the other hand, the abortion process consists of complex contraction and sterilization procedures. Also, it may cause severe pain to a woman or her unborn fetus. Moreover, some people consider it as a murder of an unborn child. The medical authorities consider this process as a legal right. The medical law considers that a woman has the fundamental right to have an abortion in the United States (Giubilini, & Minerva, 2012). However, under certain conditions, the Government laws do not solve the psychological, moral and ethical issues. Hence, initially I suffered from severe psychological trauma and depression taking part in the abortion process. Also this procedure caused a major change in my religious beliefs and ethical values.
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The Stages of Change
As a nursing student, I suffered from depression due to the nursing procedures of abortion. During this procedure the medical team applies sterilization methods that may cause psychological and physical problems to a patient. Similarly, this process may entail serious stress for nurses. First of all, this process may cause emotional syndrome for the nurses and patients. For example, a woman may become sad due to the loss of her unborn child. As a nurse, I suffered from emotional syndrome and lost interest in my day-to-day responsibilities. Secondly, this process may also create cognitive symptoms to the various medical stakeholders. After the abortion, a woman may suffer from low self-esteem. She may lose her thinking and judging capabilities. Thirdly, as a nurse, I faced motivational symptoms. My moral and ethical values made me feel that I committed a crime by taking part in the abortion procedures. Fourthly, in severe situations patients and nursing professionals may suffer from biological effects. In such cases, people may suffer from digestive problems, high fever, and other physical issues due to the depression (Illiades, & Marcellin, n.d.). In the end, I contacted a psychologist for support. He applied evidence-based diagnosis process to control my stress and depression. According to the psychologist, I had to improve my clinical judgment and decision-making skills to understand my responsibilities. He prescribed me different psychological therapies that helped me to recover this stress.
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Alternative Ways to make the Change Easier or Smoother
The current nursing studies and professional liabilities helped me to understand that medical experts could use alternative ways to make the nursing issues easier and smoother. For example, nurses should offer safe and patient-centered care to the patients. They should create a bond with patients to explain the risks of various medical procedures. Before the abortion process, nurses should tell patients the severe risk factors of this procedure. It may help patients to realize the drawbacks of complex nursing methods. Besides, nurses should create a friendly environment for patients to reduce their stress and disappointment. This caring process creates positive hopes, and it cures traumas. Also, nurses and patients may take part in different medical and spiritual healing processes to improve the caring environment. Furthermore, the Government organizations should create policies to support single mothers. Often, single mothers and social victim women choose to have an abortion due to the financial issues. Therefore, in such situations, the government authorities should help young children and their mothers to improve their lives. Additionally, the leadership skills guide me to make a decision under emergency conditions. Also, it reduces stress and dilemmas. Nevertheless, effective communication and nursing teams’ collaboration can make complex cases easier or smoother (Singh, Wulf, Hussain, Bankole, & Sedgh, 2009). From my current experience, I have realized that communication skills and nurses’ mutual collaboration help the nursing teams to solve abortion issues in a short time.
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In conclusion, different personal and professional issues may cause major changes in people’s life. As a nursing student, I faced challenges with the complex nursing process including abortions. In this process, the medical experts apply contraction and sterilization methods that can cause severe pain and health issues to the patients. Besides, it causes psychological trauma and depression to the nursing teams. However, nurses and Government authorities can reduce these issues by applying new policies. The experts can make the abortion process smoother and easier by applying safe and patient-centered care. I have used my decision-making and leadership skills to control my stress and emotions. Thus, I have controlled this work-related issue.
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