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Instruction Unit: Lesson Plans

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Family Education Lesson Plan

Identification and Description of the Learners

The students of this class were mainly parents; however, there were a few elder youths who were planning to get married.

Since the members of this class were adults, many were willing to fully participate in the lesson because they recognized that the family is the key to success of the society (Musgrove, 2014). The parents were especially encouraging since they wanted to support with knowledge the experiences they had at their own homes. However, there were some bored learners who were not willing to collaborate. In fact, these were elderly youths who were not yet married. They were constantly encouraged the teacher since they seemed to easily lose interest.

Description of the Education Setting, Including Learner Assessment

Since it was necessary to establish the needs of the learners, the learning approach they preferred and their expectations, meetings were scheduled so that they would express their views toward the lesson.

After a series of interviews, questionnaires and forums, the learners’ preferences were analyzed and some recommendations were made so that they could be incorporated in the lesson plan. It is worth noting that the learners were willing to participate in quest of family-related knowledge and contribute to success of the lesson. Moreover, methods relating to the ways to improve the attitudes of those who seemed to have low concentration were determined.

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Provision of a Rationale for Selecting the Topic on Family Information

A family is an all-purposed economic and social unit that plays a major role in shaping the whole community (Musgrove, 2014). In fact, it is a fundamental constituent of the society. The family is the breeding ground as well as the firm foundation of children’s lives (Davies, 2012). The topic was aimed at establishing good relations between the parents and children as well as spouses. Moreover, those who had suffered from family breakups and other family-related challenges would be counseled.

Therefore, family education would not only promote the well-being of the family, it would ensure the essential role is played by these social units in shaping the society.

Philosophical or Theoretical Basis for Teaching Approaches Used in the Lesson

Since the lesson was aimed at helping parents or partners build and maintain their relations in the best way, the following theoretical theories could prove effective.

Cognitive dissonance theory

A theory that focuses on changing behavior when one realizes they have done something unpleasant. Since the lesson focused on educating on good family management techniques, some learners would realize their mistakes and would be able to change as a result (Sanderson, 2010).

Diffusion theory

Those who were taught would spread good family techniques to others in the society.

Instructional Goals for the Educational Experience

At the end of the lesson, the participants were able to:

  • Understand family backgrounds, setups, relations and management.
  • Employ good parenting techniques.
  • Apply conflict resolution methods.

Behavioral Objectives


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By the end of the lesson, the learners would:

  • Express knowledge about family-related information.
  • Change the society through what they learnt.
  • Maintain good relations in the family.
  • Show a transformed family life.
  • Responsibly raise their children.

Lesson Content

Family education involved a series of topics that included:

  • Family management.
  • Conflict resolution in the family.
  • Parenting techniques.
  • Family counseling.

Teaching Activities

The sequence of teaching activities in each lesson involved:

  1. Pre-learning – a review of the last lesson.
  2. Lecture – presenting the current lesson’s content.
  3. Questions and discussion – learners were given a chance to discuss and ask questions.
  4. Conclusion – summary of the current content.

Instructional Methods

Several instructional methods were used such as lectures, demonstrations, and simulations by using samples, discussions, questions asking.


The lesson lasted for two hours, and time was allocated to activities as follows:

  • Pre-learning – 15 minutes.
  • Lecture – 90 minutes.
  • Questions & conclusion – 15 minutes.

Instructional Resources

The following is a list of the instruction materials that were used in the course of learning:

  • Blackboards/interactive board and chalk/pens for lectures.
  • Audio-visual materials used for lectures.
  • Textbooks and softcopy notes for students.
  • Diagrams and flow charts for demonstration.


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Evaluation of the learners was done through:

  • Asking learners questions.
  • Asking some to present what they learnt.
  • Interviewing some after the lesson.
  • Giving them questionnaires.

Staff Development Lesson Plan

Identification and Description of the Learners

Staff development involves activities that help the staff to learn about their responsibilities as well as assist them to develop the right skills for accomplishing institutional objectives (Bubb & Earley, 2010). Therefore, the learners were working class members of all levels such as managers, technicians, secretaries, civil servants and many other professionals.

Due to the diversity of learners, some of them were very keen to study, while the others were not willing to cooperate. In addition, many of the participants had a wide experience in their careers, and they were willing to share it in the course of the lecture.

Description of the Education Setting, Including Learner Assessment

The diversity of learners made it a must to establish relevant topics. The schedule had to fit all participants since many of them had to attend their jobs. It is worth mentioning that learners were working at different levels, namely high- and low-ranking staff; therefore, it was important to decide favorable topics so that no one would be intimidated.

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To be able to handle all those concerns, forums, interviews and questionnaires were utilized so as to plan the right and relevant schedule to suit all participants.

Provision of a Rationale for Selecting the Topic on Staff Information

The topic of staff development is an important issue to tackle, especially in the modern world. There is a need to establish good relations between the staff member (Webb, 2014). In addition, to increase productivity of firms and companies, the staff must acquire relevant skills as well strategies for development. Therefore, the topic was relevant in helping to achieve maximum productivity of firms with the help of workers’ collaboration and diligent work.

Philosophical or Theoretical Basis for Teaching Approaches Used in the Lesson

The learners had diverse backgrounds so it was essential to employ theories that would be effective in understanding the topic.

Diffusion theory

The theory would prove effective since there were different participants, and they would probably spread the ideas they learnt to many others.

Cognitive dissonance theory

The theory would work since those who realized they did not have good relations or effective communication techniques would change (Sanderson, 2010).

Instructional Goals for the Educational Experience

At the end of the lesson, the participants were able to:

  • Understand different types of staff relations.
  • Understand conflict resolution means within the firm.
  • Learn techniques of optimum staff production.
  • Learn good communication techniques.

Behavioral Objectives

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By the end of the lesson, the learners would:

  • Express good communication skills.
  • Be able to cooperate in a good way with other staff members.
  • Perform better when working.
  • Show responsibility when performing their duties.

Lesson Content

Staff development involved a series of topics that included:

  • Staff production techniques.
  • Relations between the staff members.
  • Conflict resolution between the staff members.
  • Communication techniques.

Teaching Activities

The sequence of teaching activities in each lesson involved:

  1. Pre-learning – a review of the last lesson.
  2. Lecture – presenting the current lesson’s content.
  3. Questions and discussion – learners were given a chance to discuss and ask questions.
  4. Conclusion – summary of the current content.

Instructional Methods

Several instruction methods were used such as lectures, demonstrations, discussions, questions asking and debates.


The lesson lasted for three hours, and time was allocated as follows:

  • Pre-learning – 15 minutes.
  • Lecture – 90 minutes.
  • Discussion and presentation – 30 minutes.
  • Questions, conclusion and evaluation – 45 minutes.

Instructional Resources

The following is a list of the instruction materials that were used in the course of learning:

  • Blackboards/interactive board and chalk/pens for lectures.
  • Audio-visual materials used for lectures.
  • Textbooks and softcopy notes for students.
  • Diagrams and flow charts for demonstration.


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Evaluation of the learners was done through:

  • Asking some to present what they learnt.
  • Asking learners questions.
  • Interviewing some after the lesson.
  • Giving them questionnaires.

Patient Education Lesson Plan

Identification and Description of the Learners

The participants of this lesson included patients, caregivers and those people who aimed to gain knowledge. Having closely examined each level of participants, it became evident that the patients were especially keen and focused. The reason is that they recognized that if they could follow pieces of advice on health-related issues that they could get in this lesson, that would provide an opportunity for learners to successfully handle them. With regard to the caregivers, many were inquisitive and critical since they wanted to grasp any information that could help them as they took care of their patients. Lastly, people who wanted to obtain health-related information concerning prevention measures were not that active. Many showed signs of boredom and focused on the part that they thought suited them.

Description of the Education Setting, Including Learner Assessment

First of all, learners and the best methods to deliver patient education were assessed. One of the most important facts that learners had to consider was that this patient-centered approach had shown improved health outcomes and satisfaction (Falvo, 2011). Therefore, as much as some people showed lack of willingness to learn and to fully participate, it would be first of all important to form a positive attitude so that they would benefit from the lesson.

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Interviews, questionnaires and forums were used to get the learners’ desired objectives, learning schedule and the best teaching techniques. Many of them were especially willing to give their views on how to make the lesson effective, and some even gave their recommendations on the learning schedule. With their preferred objectives, schedules and teaching techniques, there was a significant change in the whole patient information schedule so as to suit their needs. Finally, to ensure their willingness to learn, they were advised on ways to enhance a positive mindset when the lesson commenced.

Provision of a Rationale for Selecting the Topic on Patient Information

With the rising cases of non-adherence of patients to doctor’s prescriptions, there was a need to improve the patients’ attitude and behavior towards health (Falvo, 2011).

It is important to provide information on a rehabilitative approach to facilitate patients’ voluntary skills and improve health (Dreeben-Irimia, 2010). The lesson mainly aimed to enhance the cooperation between patients and their caregivers so as to help get the ideal techniques to take care of their patients. In addition, the non-patients were to be taught on how to improve their health-related attitude.

Philosophical or Theoretical Basis for Teaching Approaches Used in the Lesson

Since the lesson was aimed at helping patients and clients get health-related information as well as improving their treatment attitudes, there was a dire need to employ the best theories in the course of their learning (Zolait, 2012). Furthermore, the caregivers also needed to gain knowledge on how to effectively perform their duties when taking care of their patients. Some of the theories that could help achieve that included:


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Cognitive dissonance theory

This theory was important in order to change patients’ attitude towards treatment and prescriptions. Therefore, the basis of this theory was that the patients’ negative effects of non-adherence to doctor’s prescriptions was the needed stimuli to change in their behavior.

Diffusion theory

The lesson being attended by patients, caregivers and non-patients meant that the ideas propagated in the course of learning would probably spread to other people who were not present. This theory proved effective since the participants would later spread the health-related information to others in the society.

Instructional Goals for the Educational Experience

At the end of the lesson, the participants were able to:

  • Understand different ailments as well as their causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention measures.
  • Improve their health-related attitudes and learn how to comply with medical prescriptions.
  • Understand different needs of patients and how they could take care of them in the case of caregivers.

Behavioral Objectives

  • Understand the importance of adherence to medical prescription and treatment.
  • Change their attitude with regard to common health misconceptions.
  • Improve caregivers’ knowledge and skills as they take care of their patients.
  • Make participants be propagators of health-related information to others in the society.

Lesson Content

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Patient education involved a series of topics that included:

  • Medical conditions and symptoms as well as diagnosis and preventive measures.
  • Medical compliance.
  • Risk management.

Teaching Activities

The teaching activities sequence in each lesson will involve:

  1. Pre-learning – a review of the last lesson.
  2. Lecture – presenting the current lesson’s content.
  3. Questions and discussion – learners were given a chance to discuss and ask questions.
  4. Conclusion – summary of the current content.

Instructional Methods

Several instruction methods were used such as lectures, demonstrations by health-related models, simulations using samples, corporative learning and case studies.


The lesson which was 3 hours was scheduled as follows:

  • Pre-learning – 15 minutes.
  • Lecture – 2 hours.
  • Questions and discussion – 30 minutes.
  • Evaluation and conclusion – 15 minutes.

Instructional Resources

The following is a list of the instruction materials that were used in the course of learning:

  • Blackboards/interactive board and chalk/pens for lectures.
  • Audio-visual materials used for lectures.
  • Textbooks and softcopy notes for students.
  • Health-related models for simulation.
  • Diagrams and flow charts for demonstration.


The evaluation of the learners was done through the following activities:

  • Asking relevant questions.
  • Observing as the learners present.
  • Interviewing some of them at the end of the lesson.
  • Giving them questionnaires at the end of the lesson.
  • Giving them a small test after the lesson.

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