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Category: Economics

Globalization and Poverty

The 21st century is characterized by the increased interdependence between countries in the sphere of economy, social sphere, ecology, and culture. This interdependence and relations that are called g...

US Expenditures and Budgeting

Introduction The budget of the United States is subject to common criticism from all possible sides: representatives of both political parties, scholars, and common people. There are many elements of...

Globalization: The Case of Kenya

Introduction The process of multilevel integration of people and economies into one global community is known as globalization. Initially, such integration is expected to take place to the mutual ben...

Islamic Finance

In what ways could Islamic finance be seen as an innovative way that could substantively redefine finance or do you rather think that it is more of the same as conventional finance? Discuss why Islami...

Chapter Analysis: The Rise of China

Undoubtedly, China has made a successful transition to the market economy since 1978. Years ago, it had a central-planning economy with extremely rigid mechanisms and controlled prices. The country wa...

Economic Crisis of 2008

The topic of the paper presents the picture of the economic crisis of 2008 that became evident in the light of the government policy and economic analyses of the situation. It gives possible perspecti...

Budget Process Paper

Budget Process within the Department/Organization Healthcare institutions require an appropriate budget, which is increasingly becoming a crucial issue with respect to hospital administration. The fis...

Six Sigma

In today’s world of global economic competition, the quality of products and services is paramount in realizing profitability and sustainability of customers. Quality management is the managemen...

Financial Planning and Scripture

In our daily activities, people involve themselves in a lot of planning to ensure they live a better life. Financial planning is essential since it involves management of money. Therefore, it is vital...

The Gender Wage Gap in Canada

The difference between the earnings of female and male workers is the percentage that women earn as compared with the money that men get. In other words, it is the average difference between hourly ea...

Relationship between Export and Gross Domestic Product

Export includes goods and services that are produced within a country but later are sold outside its borders. Gross domestic product is the total revenue that is generated by a country within a partic...
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