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Marriott International

Free «Marriott International» Essay Sample

Nowadays we are surrounded by Multinational Corporations in any domain; energy, real estate, food, logistics etc. With the popularity and notoriety they get by raising to such a big level, this exposure brings with itself different obligations especially towards the society and the surroundings of the company. Due to this fact, the vast majority of the respectable MNC are paying attention to their relationship with the society because after all, mass population can be both constructive, or destructive.

Within Marriott, the social issues are even more respected and taken care of, due to their company profile. When working with people, and for people, the company automatically becomes literally part of the society therefore will hold an even bigger “share” of obligations towards it. That is why specific programs were created in order to satisfy these obligations and contribute to the development of the community they will select their future employees from.

Marriott was voted #5 in the top of the best places to work for, in 2012, and is one of the companies that can be found basically anywhere in the world, including USA, Japan and France where they are operating several properties. The Marriott brand is under continuous development on a global level by opening each year several properties in different countries of the world, by this helping the growth of the economy and providing new jobs. As proof are serving the 10 properties including 3149 rooms in Japan, 18 properties with 3801 rooms in France and the biggest core of business being done in the USA, where the Headquarters are situated as well, with 3180 properties and 515356 rooms.

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Besides creating new jobs, and developing the international market, Marriott is running a poverty reducing programs such as “Shelter and Food/Poverty Alleviation” which includes more than 1800 Marriott associates organizing several service days within their communities, giving out food and clothing. Moreover, Marriott is giving a helping hand in case of disaster or any kind of unfortunate events, by offering shelter and food to the ones who need it. More than that, Marriott provided with food over 17 million Americans in 2012, through its poverty reducing programs.

For these, the company developed a partnership with Red Cross, which helped them being able to help out the victims of the tsunami in Japan. All these serve as contribution from the side of Marriott to the community and help them create a good image of themselves in the eyes of the society. Besides the Red Cross, Marriott is working with several Governmental Organizations as well, and many other particular non-profit ones, all sharing the same values and goals, of reducing poverty and promoting education among youngsters.


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Besides the poverty reduction, the company is very concerned about the environmental issues, therefore they created different programs to preserve nature, reduce toxicity and pollution and they are heavily promoting the Eco-friendly concept. They also promote education by participating in different workshops, and even building schools.

In 2012 Marriott participated and partially funded the building of almost 50 schools in poor communities especially in Africa. They do influence the development of different local or regional plans, and provide the expertise needed in order to make these projects work. By participating in so many social activities and programs, we can easily say that Marriott is one of the brands, which cares about their surroundings and try to give back something from what they get from their associates, clients or partners.

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