I. The author of the first video tells about the nature of public education in the modern society. He claims that as usual the latter turns to be changed for two reasons – the economic and cultural ones. On the one hand, the introducers of the general policies of public education try to predict what kind of specialists would be demanded by tomorrow’s economy. At the same time, they want to fill the education with the subjects and techniques that would develop the feeling of cultural identity of a child.
However, the author doubts whether the modern education is of any use. He asserts that the model of studying has been prevented in the previous century for the different age. It does not match the needs of the today’s society. Moreover, nowadays, the children are surrounded by a lot of things which are possible due to a rapid technological advance witnessed in the few previous decades. However, it seems that the process of education has not changed accordingly. Instead of interaction technological devices, we still use a black board trying to draw attention of pupils to what is handwritten on it. Unfortunately, students are not turning their heads in search of enlightenment; that is the moment where the problem is. Today, instead of promoting the diverse thinking as well as the development of creativity in children, a lot of standardized tests, techniques, and methods are implemented. The schools still remain us the factories with separate buildings, divisions into age groups and batches. The only thing which such standardized schools can “produce” are relatively the same people without the creativity and divergence of thinking. The author states that recently, has been carried out the study regarding children’s divergence. According to its findings, all children aged 10 are able to think creatively and divergently. However, as the child grows up and gets what is called “formal education”, this ability deteriorates. In order to prevent such process, the author proposes to immediately rethink and reconsider the public education system of the modern societies and make it less standardized and more individualized.
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II. The speaker of the second video aims at addressing the problems related to the lives of transsexuals. At the beginning, he ascertains that sex of the person has a biological origin. The gender, instead, is a conscious choice of the socialized creature; he states that sometimes these two things do not match. Thus, what we get is a woman inside man’s body. He considers that this problem should be ignored as the people who have happened to be in the body that does not fit their perceptions of themselves suffer significantly and, therefore, need medical treatment.
Later on, the author shares the data regarding the methods that are successfully used by Holland in addressing the problems of transsexual people. He states that at the age of 11-12, all children are comprehensively tested and those who turn to be in what is called “wrong body” start to take medicine affecting their hormones so that some of them are blocked. The puberty of these children is delayed. At the age of 16, these children are tested again, and in case they show their inclinations to be in the opposite sex body, they again start to take medicine that causes the sexual puberty of the gender they want to have. Finally, at the age of eighteen ,their sex changes ultimately as they undergo surgical interventions.
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The speaker of the video, perhaps, for the first time addresses the problems of transsexual persons not just as an abnormal social phenomenon, but as a disease which in case of proper medical treatment could result in patients’ full recovery. Moreover, the people who have been mentioned by the speaker do not differ by any means from the ordinary citizens. It is impossible to distinguish them in the crowd. Therefore, at this moment, we have to abandon our conventional perception of the transsexual people as freaks and turn to address them as people who just need a bit of medical treatment.
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