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System Safety Analysis – COP Article and Zero Defects

Free «System Safety Analysis - COP Article and Zero Defects» Essay Sample

Safety is one of the fundamental requirements in ensuring people’s well-being. Without safety in the world, no activity could be carried out. For example, no work could be performed; students and children could not go to school; no running businesses among many other activities that are carried out by man to ensure continuity of life. Safety is a broad term that regards to all activities bringing order and good health to community. For instance, safety issues associated with health may be considered, such as safe drinking water, safe and clean environment etc. Other safety concerns include accidents, robbery, and murder, to list a few. These issues need safety management strategies where all relevant stakeholders are participating, ranging from the community, police, to government. Thus, the paper discusses community policing and zero defect concept in light of their applicability in safety management models.

The COP article talks about community policing. This is the act of maintaining peace and order in a community through use of deployed police officers. These police may be new to the community, and therefore, in order to carry out their task effectively, they need to involve the community. The point is that the members of community know the cause of the problem and other related issues, thus can give useful information. Community policing is an important aspect of safety management. It ensures that order remains stable in a community through preventing and solving safety problems, including robbery, theft and conflicts between families or individuals (Robson et al., 2007). The article describes how various stakeholders can be involved in community policing and how they make work easier for the police. The process of their engagement can be embodied through identification of the problems, their causes and possible ways of solving them. Therefore, in order to achieve an effective safety management system, it is significant to consider the participation of all the stakeholders.

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Apart from community participation in ensuring safety, people should be encouraged to try as much as possible to perform their activities in the right way and up to the standard level which they are required to follow. This circumstance will reduce mistakes and defects that could result in loses and accidents. The article on zero defects describes how to carry out work in almost perfect manner and how it brings about good outcomes. It emphasizes on following instructions while performing any given task. For example, a manufacturing company needs to follow all the instructions regarding any product as this will result in creation of a quality item free of flaws. In addition, such obeying the rules will help prevent loses that can be incurred because of producing a defective good (Tamblyn et al., 2005). The concept of zero defects is applicable to the safety management initiatives to maintain a safe environment in the following ways. First, following instructions prevents accidents that could occur due to errors. For instance, when carrying an experiment dealing with explosives, any slight mistake can lead to explosions that can endanger people’s lives. Second, doing things perfectly results in production of safe products that do not cause harm to individuals and the environment upon using the products. To illustrate, in food handling, hygiene and other safety issues should be complied with, failure to do this can result in contamination, and hence, render the goods harmful to people. It is therefore important to keenly follow instructions or to do things right in order to achieve safety.


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In conclusion, an effective safety management system can be obtained through incorporating the community in safety issues and trying to follow instructions strictly while performing any task. In so doing, the problems about safety remain prevented or resolved effectively using economical and appropriate interventions. In addition, the zero defect technique helps to mitigate accidents and loses that can result from carelessness and not performing actions as required. The myths about this concept should be demystified since this obstacle is an important tool in safety management.

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