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Essay Online Shopping

Many would argue that online shopping is the easy alternative to going to shop. It has many advantages, but it also has many disadvantages. The same is about shopping at a shopping center or a mall. Online shopping sometimes can be stressing, but it also has a possibility of charging more. Shopping at a mall is tiring, and the price is higher than in online shops.

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Cheap online shopping gives some new experience to shopping. You can buy things staying at home in your pajamas if you want. Online shopping also takes out stress because you have to deal with incompetent bankers and wait in line. Moreover, you can keep the things you want to purchase in the future by using a wish list. The prices are cheaper because you do not have to go through intermediaries. You can send gifts straight to friends and relatives instead of the post office. This direction has endless possibilities. The store shopping may be suitable if you want to buy your items fast. You will not have to deal with handling and shipping charges. Moreover, you will not have to worry that you can get a not working item. Shopping at the store, you can try on clothes you want to purchase, and you will know how they fit you. In addition, buying in the store, you get your items immediately instead of waiting for their delivery.

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However, it also has disadvantages. You have to wait several days to get your thing. Handling and shipping costs can be expensive, particularly if you need your items to be delivered within few days. It is very unpleasant thing when you have to return items if they do not work. When you shop online, you will not be able to try on clothes you ordered. We live in a society where people do almost anything on the Web. You can look up anything that you can think of, check your horoscope and plan your day. Online shopping is the oncoming trend on the web. You can purchase clothes, books, CD’s, and even automobiles with online shopping. There are many advantages and downfalls to online shopping.
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Among the many online stores are Amazon Books, Gap, American Eagle Outfitters, J.Crew and Music Boulevard. All you have to do is to read the instructions given on the Internet page. It is really easy. Some online shopping advantages are that you can buy the item cheaper. Moreover, the most important advantage is that you can shop staying at home. You can shop anytime if you have the busy schedule having no time to go to the mall. The one of downfalls is that you have to pay for handling and shipping that may be expensive. Another disadvantage is that you have to use the credit card, which is not good protected. Many companies think that their websites are under a good protection, but hackers can get your card number and spend your money. Another bad thing is that you should wait for your item to be delivered.

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