A romantic relationship is a natural need and desire of every person. The human body, like the psychology, is designed to attract the opposite sex. This intelligent design is the key to human relationships and sexuality. Romantic feelings are a kind of psychological application that is imprinted in human’s brain. While a person does not love somebody because of certain qualities but due to an individual set of biological, psychological, and sociological reasons, the very act of loving changes human and makes he or she worthy of being loved.
The process of falling in love can be explained due to certain hormones. Thus, oxytocin and vasopressin are two of them that are responsible for the emergence of romantic emotions between people. A human may have a resemblance to a specific set of hormones. For this reason, an individual falls in love only a particular type of persons.
Love is the psychological element of human relations. Therefore, it is very difficult to manipulate human’s psychology to trigger romantic feelings in the mind. Individual psychological aspects may make people fall in love. Feeling the similarities is one of the most important reasons for romantic feelings. People, who interact with each other or have a similar way of thinking, certainly can fall in love.
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The process of choosing a partner can be explained through psychological reasons. Relying on psychological theory, the relationship can arise in two cases: in the case of compassion for the partner and the case of passion. Merciful love affair occurs on the basis of mutual understanding, respect, and sharing. On the other hand, passionate love is based on intense sexual desire, anxiety, and affection. Any relationship can be estimated based on these psychological aspects.
Among the many factors, which influence people’s ideas of the perfect partner, the so-called map of love is the most important. It is a group of signs or signals that are encoded in the brain and characterizes and shapes preferences. It shows what hair, eye color, voice, stature, and smells are preferred in assessing a potential partner. It also captures the character that attracts people. It turns out that a person falls in love with those people who meet love map. This card is mainly formed in childhood. Of course, over the years, these parameters can be transformed. Nevertheless, the basic qualities of the ideal remain unchanged.
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Physical attraction is another reason for the beginning of a romantic relationship. A normal man or woman is designed to attract the opposite sex. However, not all men and women evaluate the attractiveness of the opposite sex with the same intensity. The reason is psychological. The concept of attraction is formed in the minds of the people following the aesthetic and sexual images and ideas. The principle of beauty is different in every nation and generation.
Along with psychological and biological explanations of choosing a partner with particular qualities, sociological aspect plays a crucial role. The society encourages every adult to live in a family, where it is possible to give birth to and raise children, as a responsible member of society. A child, who reaches puberty, sees the relationship between men and women everywhere and gradually starts looking for a life partner. Through illustrative examples from daily life and media coverage, the society adopts the very idea of relations between man and woman. Thus, a person feels the need to fall in love. The society offers more and more opportunities to interact with girls and boys.
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Today, family atmosphere plays a significant role in further choosing a partner. Almost all children at an early age feel very real romantic love for father or mother. A strong desire to marry mom or dad at the age of three is a very common phenomenon. Thus, at an early age, without knowing it, people are already beginning to create their ideal to which they aspire later. The parents are the first real love in human’s life. They impose an indelible imprint on the future map of love. If one asks any woman to describe her father in the way she remembers him from early childhood, there would be a lot in common with this description and the ideal of the man. The same applies to men. As long as a boy is little, his mother is the center of his world. Her features leave a lasting impression. A man will look for a woman with her facial features, voice, character, and even manner. The way of man’s attitude to woman is largely dependent on the mother. A man, who grew up with a soft, gentle, and kind mother, will be caring, gentle man, and a sensitive lover with very high probability. Conversely, authoritarian mother, who suppress her son, lie foundation for the cold and severe character. Such man can grow eternal lover, who do not believe women, is fearful of love and commitment. A father is also an equally important figure in the life of a girl. He is the first man in her life and one that has largely determined what will be her relationship with the opposite sex. If the father is generous in his praise, and all his behavior shows that his little girl is the best and most favorite, a woman will feel confident in dealing with men. Also, if the father is cold, critical, or permanently absent, the daughter’s self-esteem will be greatly understated.
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Regardless of changes in the characters, love can last for all life. Particular stages of love explain it. Love is checked for years. Through years, there is a merging of two people at all levels: physical, mental, and spiritual. They really become a unity. Couples begin to understand that it is necessary to resolve the conflict. They learn to forgive, tolerate, and accept the partner as he or she is. On the stage of service, the partners do not demand something of a partner but want to make something pleasant without requiring gratitude. This happens consciously. Later, the stage of friendship occurs.
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