The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) plays an important role in the Russian-Ukraine conflict. It is essential to understand that NATO is a military pact joining members representing governments of different countries (Haglund). It was founded on April 4th 1949 after the signing of the Treaty of North Atlantic. The fundamental role of NATO is to act as a defensive union to respond to any activities of expansionists around Europe. Since its inception, the members unite in protecting each other from external aggression (Haglund). However, recently in the year of 2012 the Union has launched its first military operation (Cornish & Rayment). The alliance makes some changes because of the revolutionized conditions and current redefined conflicts.
Recently, NATO got involved in Russian-Ukrainian conflict. NATO attempts to restore peace among the two nations by playing the role of a mediator, even though both countries are not members of the alliance. However, a sense of obligation drives NATO to seek peace between the two rivals. Alternatively, Russia has reviewed its nuclear weapons doctrine and has signed a revised version of the policy. The new doctrine lowers the threshold for use of the nuclear weapon hence giving an opportunity to use such arms in the event of enemies’ attack (Croft). Statements announced by the Russian President assert NATO’s involvement in the war since they are providing Ukraine with armaments. On the contrary, NATO officials refuted the claims and clarified their disengagement in the dispute (“Ukraine Conflict”). In addition, it is likely that a third party, such as the USA, is involved in this conflict since talks between NATO and Russia alone have not brought any noticeable positive outcome.
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Social psychology boasts to harbor the foundation of the research on the formation of identities. Individuals in relationships often carry the bigger portion of somebody else’s identity. In other words, the existence of one person influences the development of another. In order to protect their identities, countries develop foreign policies. Foreign policy is a bridge between unstable states where international relations help to establish boundaries. This means that domestic assets or belongings are only recognizable when the foreign sector is made clear (Campbell, 61-62). Moreover, the existence of anarchy and sovereignty supports the meaningfulness of the identity of the norm (Rumelili, 31).
It is fundamental to properly identify NATO in order to see its stand in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand what NATO comprises of and what it has to deal with, as well as it is important to know how the alliance identifies itself.
Shapiro gives an excellent example of how to identify NATO. According to the writer, in order to understand oneself as well as others, it is essential to observe a dichotomy arrangement. Later, he links the dichotomy study to international relations. Such a connection proves that such arrangements as NATO are more constructive in the periods of war and peace (Shapiro, 109).
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Shapiro mainly focuses on the significance of the dichotomy as a tool during the times of peace and war. He emphasizes the fact that one’s realistic identification is exposed during times of conflict. In other words, the real objectives and goals of a person or a group of people are uncovered during the hostile times. The theory thus concludes that the best element for reproducing, producing and maintaining an identity is war (Shapiro, 109-110).
The Ukrainians are crying for help from NATO. The Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko asked NATO to protect them against the ruthless Russians (Martin). Poroshenko evidently displays his country’s helplessness against their enemy. He thus appeals to all members of NATO to assist Ukraine with weapons. Another factor leading to this request is due to the fact that Russia possesses such an advanced weaponry. The President alleges that the armory will be used not only for protection but also for resisting the aggressor (Martin).
According to Poroshenko, the increased number of civilian deaths should serve as a reason to involve NATO in the fight (Martin). The brutal Russian attacks on such cities as Donetsk, Volnovakha, and the bombardment of Mariupol lead to the increased number of deaths. There are innocent women and children who faced their untimely deaths. The inhumane acts against Ukrainian citizens should mobilize peace organizations and human right activists (Martin).
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Reporters claim that the USA is considering whether to help Ukraine. Their central contemplation is to give Ukraine modern armaments in order to counter attacks Russia. This decision will greatly help Ukrainians. However, USA has not made an official decision to assist Ukraine’s defense from the Russian separatists (Martin). It is evident that modern military weapon is vital in defending oneself against aggressive enemies such as Russia.
Poroshenko’s expectations from the West are mainly technical. He hopes that military weapons and aid from specialists will help Ukrainians in fighting against Russian antagonism. He also anticipates an affirmative resolution and support from the European Union. In addition, Poroshenko is delighted with the Extended Fund Facility that the International Monetary Fund plans to establish in Ukraine (Martin).
On the contrary, Russian President Vladimir Putin has raised arguments that NATO is using the Ukrainian army as their foreign legion. He adds that the attempts of the soldiers to constrain Russia are against the national interests of Ukrainians (“Ukraine Conflict”). The chief of NATO General Stoltenberg dismisses these claims pointing out that Russia should cease extending military sustenance. The current support for the rebels increases bloodshed in the eastern Ukraine leading to innocent deaths (“Ukraine Conflict”).
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NATO’s reaction on the dispute between Russia and Ukraine is to consider the Ukrainian side. It not only supports Ukrainian proposed reforms but also encourages democracy (Cupido). Their main focus is protecting the interests of the victims. NATO is considerate to the Ukrainians and states that the future of Ukraine can only be determined by its citizens and hence supports their right to choose (Cupido).
According to NATO, respect should be accorded to the Ukrainian citizens by giving them an opportunity to make democratic choices. It is their right to have a proper and well-organized political process (Davis, 36). Life should be protected at all costs, therefore, the priority is given to human rights. NATO is showing its respect to the territorial integrity of Ukraine by opposing to Russia’s attacks. The continued aggression not only puts Ukraine at risk but also jeopardizes stability and safety of the entire European region. NATO thus engages in talks aimed at restoring peace and upholds its strategies that will ensure the global security (Davis, 41).
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In conclusion, it is important to mention that NATO has finally decided to be involve itself in the Russian-Ukrainian dispute. At first, NATO was reluctant to engaging in any activities. However, recent events have proved the gradual absorption of the alliance in the dispute. The unsuccessful attempts to draft a peace agreement between NATO’s and Russia’s representatives confirms deeper engrossment of NATO in the future. In addition, the military agreements in the recent meeting demonstrate the likelihood for further discussions. It, however, remains unclear on whether NATO will actively involve itself in the war, if it will maintain its mediator position, or will include the USA into the crisis.
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