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Category: Psychology

Depressive Disorders

Depressive disorder manifests itself not only in a bad mood. This illness involves body and mental sufferings not only for a patient but also for relatives and people around. Individuals with this psy...

Early Life Experiences and Potential

Introduction The concept of early life experiences is guided significantly by four components, which are found in the PPCT model. The framework stands for process-person-context-time. The model simpl...

Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Adolescent Substance Abusers

Introduction Substance abuse has acute social consequences, such as increase of committed crimes and immoral acts, degradation of individual and population as a whole, increased mortality especially ...

The Development of Morals and Intelligence

The essay aims to reveal and analyse the development of morals and intelligence from the perspectives of the respected and widely known scholars, such as Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlsb...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Family Therapy

In the light of the multiple approaches to counseling, the use of specific psychotherapeutic methods has been popularized. Specifically, there are many psychological treatments which can contribute to...
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