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Category: Philosophy

Explain the Four “Rs” of Neo-Confucian Renovation

Main Aspects of Neo-Confucian Renovation Introduction During 900-1660, the Confucians successfully completed the adaptation of Confucianism to the needs of common people since the growing complexity...

Hobbes’ Leviathan: Bridging Controversy Gaps

Background Although The Leviathan could in a sense be seen as an interim bridge between Hobbes’ Elements of Law and De Cive (On Society) while featuring traces of both, still it appears that the op...

Criticism of the Bhagavad Gita and Theravada Ethical Views

For thousands of years, societies have aspired to find a balance between right and wrong, giving rise to ethical issues, dilemmas, and moral principles. Ethical differences have withstood the test of ...
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