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Free «WebQuest» Essay Sample

AWebQuestis the lesson format when the educators work with information which mostly or completely comes from the web. This might be different programs and websites. There are a lot of web resources for educators all over the world, for instance, Texas Council for the Social Studies, Social Studies for Kids and website devoted the Native American History.

The Texas Council for the Social Studies website is a website for the Texas educator. There is a possibility to grow professionally and collaborate with other educators. This website is the official web representation of the Texas Council for Social Studies which is the helper to the National Council for Social Studies. The recourse contains various professional articles considering the education of the social studies and plans of the lessons. Also, there are listed activities for successful work classrooms. This website provides different information and latest news considering the social studies. For the members, there are annual conferences, workshops, training, scholarships and a lot of other opportunities. Moreover, this website provides lesson plans and book reviews for its members. History, economics, geography, etc. articles are always available for the educators of different types of schools. Thus, website is very convenient and handy. Its unobtrusive design and navigational system of the website allows to find the information easily and to use all the options. The only disadvantage is that this information is available only for the members.

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The next useful website is the website named Social Studies for Kids. This is the website with the concrete spheres of information. The logo of this resource is “Who/What/Where/When” is true to the reality. This is information about current events, book reviews and funny games. In addition to that, there are articles on the various topics such as the history of the U.S. and of the world, economics, culture, sport, etc. The website provides different tips for learning of German, Spanish, Japanese and other languages. There is also a link to the similar websites. All of the information on the Social Studies for Kids is easy to understand and useful in practice. The huge positive aspect of the website is that it is available for everyone who is willing.

The last but not the least, is the website considering the History of the Native Americans. There are a plenty of web pages devoted to the general U.S. history which provides the information about Native Americans, for instance, very interesting and informing is the American History page on the website which contains links to the particular person or significant events. However, there is the website about the Cherokee Nation where there is the general information about the nation, its culture, holidays and history. The history page on this website provides the facts about the chiefs, events, and places. The articles about a particular person or event are very informative and allow exploring and discovering it very deeply. There are a lot of other websites, so it is an advantage. However, there is one big negative point. There is no particular website considering the whole general history of the Native Americans.


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It is important to use qualitative recourses for the education aims because it is a huge responsibility. Fortunately, current technologies allow getting information without leaving home. The internet itself provides the enormous stream of information. Such educational websites as the web pages of the Texas Council for the Social Studies, Social Studies for Kids and website devoted the Native American History are spectacular examples considering this statement. They are useful for not only the local U.S. educators, but also for the educators all over the world.

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